Top Ten Tuesday #30



First off, I would like to apologise for being so MIA the last couple of weeks, I’ve been busy with Uni and other personal stuff (which I’m not going to go into here) kind of got in the way last week but I’m back now and hoping that this week I’ll actually be able to do a full week of posts for you all! Anyway, back to this week’s Top Ten Tuesday and this week’s topic is book to movie adaptations that I’m looking forward to. I have a love/hate relationship with book to movie adaptations because on the one hand, I love seeing the books I love brought to life on the big screen, but on the other hand, I get very, very angry when they are done wrong! (I’m sure all bookworms can relate to this right?). Anyway these are the book to movie adaptations that I’m looking forward to:

  1. Mockingjay: Part 2-I didn’t much like the last book in the Hunger Games series, but I actually enjoyed the first movie adaptation a lot more than I thought I would, so I’m really excited to see this last movie in the Hunger Games franchise.
  2. The Scorch Trials-Yes I know this movie has been out for ages, but basically, I saw the first movie with my two best friends and we promised that we would wait until we were all together to see this one and I haven’t had a chance to see both of them together for a while, so I’m still waiting! I really enjoyed the first movie, so I’m hoping this one is equally good.
  3. The Death Cure-Is it bad to be excited for the last movie in a series when you haven’t even seen the second one yet? I don’t think so! Having read this book, I know the movie is just going to break my heart.
  4. Beauty and The Beast (live action version)-Okay, this is kind of cheating since I’ve never actually read the fairytale or anything like that, but the Disney movie is one of my favourites and the cast for this is absolutely amazing! Emma Watson as Belle, Ewan McGregor as Lumiere……could it get any more perfect?!! Why, oh why do we have to wait until 2017 for this?
  5. Unwind-It’s in production everyone! Still no news on casting which is sad, but according to Neal Shusterman, the casting process has begun and hopefully filming will start next year, which makes me very happy! This is one film that I am definitely excited to see!
  6. Allegiant Part 1: Okay, so I haven’t read the book yet and knowing the spoiler for the end is still making me reluctant to read it, but I’m hoping to have read it by the time the first part of the two part final movie comes out because I’ve really enjoyed the films so far (though seriously, why every single final movie in a series has to be split into two, I don’t know. It was okay when Harry Potter did it, but now everyone’s doing it and it’s just sad!).
  7. The Girl On The Train-I haven’t read this book yet (I really want to) but apparently, the movie version comes out next year (so I really need to get on this) and from what I’ve heard of it, it sounds like a great book that will make a really great movie!
  8. A Series of Unfortunate Events-This is slightly cheating, because I’m not looking forward to the movie (seen it already, okay but nothing worth cheering about), I’m looking forward to the Netflix original series! The movie didn’t really live up to the books, so I’m hoping that the TV series may be better able to capture the spirit of the books!
  9. Thirteen Reasons Why-This was meant to be a film, but now it turns out has been optioned for a TV mini series. I just hope it actually happens because I really want to see this story brought to life on screen!
  10. Throne of Glass-This has been optioned for TV, how did I not know this until today? I need this now. NOW.

I will be back next week with a new Top Ten Tuesday, next week’s topic is Top Ten Quotes I Loved From Books I Read in the past year or so, which if you read my Thursday Quotables posts regularly, you can imagine that I’m really excited for! In the meantime however, I promise that tomorrow I actually will have a new Wishlist Wednesday post for you all, to make up for how awful I’ve been at getting my posts out on time the past few weeks!

135 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #30

  1. Rachel (Bookish Rachel) 12/11/2015 / 4:15 pm

    I feel similarly about Mockingjay and Allegiant. I didn’t like Mockingjay, the book, all that much, but the first movie was really good. And although I haven’t read Allegiant either, I have loved those movies. I’ll be seeing them.

    • iloveheartlandx 12/11/2015 / 6:34 pm

      Yeah, I wasn’t keen on Mockingjay either but like you I enjoyed the first movie, so I’m excited for the second! It seems like even those who don’t like Allegiant are planning on seeing the movie, so it can’t be all that bad! Or maybe the movies are just way better…..either one!

      • Rachel (Bookish Rachel) 13/11/2015 / 1:22 am

        Haha You could be right. The movies bring a lot to the universe. I’m interested to see how things turn out in both movie series.

  2. Alice @ A Reader's Fiction 12/11/2015 / 4:20 pm

    I also still need to see The Scorch Trials and I share your excitement for Mockingjay – I honestly can’t wait! I didn’t there was going to be a The Girl on the Train film but now I’m even more inclined to pick up the book beforehand! Great list 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 12/11/2015 / 6:32 pm

      Glad to hear I’m not the only one! I know, only 8 days to go now! Neither did I until Tuesday, but like you, it’s made me want to pick up the book even more! Thanks!

  3. Sofia 12/11/2015 / 4:26 pm

    I’m reading The Girl on the Train now, and it does seem like something that will make a fantastic film! Too bad they are setting it in America instead of London, but as long as that’s the only major change, I guess it will be alright 🙂 It’s an amazing cast, so I’m looking forward to it.

    • iloveheartlandx 12/11/2015 / 6:30 pm

      I haven’t read it yet, but from what I’ve heard it sounds like it will make a good film. I know, I don’t really get the point of that, it’s not like they wouldn’t be able to film in London! Yeah the cast does sound good, so hopefully the film will be too!

  4. nerdybookgirl 12/11/2015 / 4:46 pm

    I forgot about Beauty and the Beast; so excited for that one!

  5. thereviewdiaries 12/11/2015 / 5:27 pm

    I’m so excited for so many of these! Great choices!

  6. Hannah 12/11/2015 / 5:53 pm

    I was thinking of putting down ‘Mockingjay, Part 2’ on my list as well but like you I’m not too fond of the book. It’s just so depressing! ‘Mockingjay, Part I’ was a better film than I was expecting it to be but I still feel apprehensive about the second part.

    I haven’t read ‘The Maze Runner’ books but I’ve really enjoyed the films and ‘Throne of Glass’ is on my TBR list 🙂 And of course I share your excitement about ‘Beauty and the Beast!’

    • iloveheartlandx 12/11/2015 / 6:28 pm

      I’m not too fond of the book, but I feel like so far the movies have actually been better than the books, so I’m expecting good things from this last part! Yeah, I actually felt like The Maze Runner movie was better than the book, so looking forward to The Scorch Trials! Ooh, hope you enjoy Throne of Glass! Lots of people seem to be excited about Beauty and The Beast, glad to share the love!

  7. Brandi @ Brandi Janee's Bookshelf 12/11/2015 / 6:23 pm

    I’m really excited for Mockingjay, Beauty and the Beast, and Unwind! I read Allegiant and I just recently watched Insurgent so I’m not sure if I’m excited about that.

    • iloveheartlandx 12/11/2015 / 6:25 pm

      Me too! I haven’t read Allegiant yet, so you never know, my excitement for the film may go down after I’ve read the book!

  8. Jenna @ Rather Be Reading YA 13/11/2015 / 12:11 am

    I haven’t read Allegiant yet either. I should get around to that. I didn’t know The Girl On The Train is being made into a movie. That’s another one I want to read.

    • iloveheartlandx 13/11/2015 / 12:34 pm

      Yeah I should too! Neither did I, until a couple of days ago. I really should get on with reading that!

  9. Cilla 13/11/2015 / 3:43 am

    I’m SO excited for Beauty and the Beast, it’s a little heartbreaking to think it won’t be here until 2017. I didn’t mind the movie for A Series of Unfortunate Events, but I’m looking forward to it being an original series too!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/11/2015 / 12:33 pm

      I know right! Why are they making us wait so long?! Neither did I really, it was alright, I just feel like it will work better in serial format than it did as a movie, because they tried to fit too much into the movie.

  10. Veronika 13/11/2015 / 6:35 pm

    Thirteen Reasons Why would be awesome as a tv mini series, though I think it’s be best to binge-watch it because the waiting between the recordings would definitely make people anxious!

  11. Amy @ Paperback Princess 15/11/2015 / 2:16 am

    I’m so beyond excited for Beauty and the Beast!!!! Emma Watson as Belle couldn’t be more perfect!!!! Good list! Thanks for visiting Paperback Princess 🙂

  12. bookbearblog 15/11/2015 / 10:33 am

    They’re doing a ‘Series of Unfortunate Events’ adaption for Netflix? Now that’s exciting!

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