Top Ten Tuesday #124


Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good week since I last did one of these, I’m now back at Uni, just moved in on Sunday, for my third year. Today is also my 21st birthday!!!! I was 17 when I started this blog and 21 seemed like such a long way away, it’s crazy how fast that came around. I’ll be celebrating with my friends tonight with dinner and movies, so that should be fun. Anyway, Tuesday means a new Top Ten Tuesday from the lovely ladies over at The Broke and The Bookish, and this week, incredibly timely, is a throwback freebie, so since it is my 21st birthday, I thought I’d take today as a chance to look back over the books that have shaped my life in the past 21 years and going to do an extra special bumper list this week of 21 to celebrate. I’m going to separate the list into different stages of my life, so the books I loved as a kid, a pre-teen, a teenager and the books I’ve read and loved in the past couple of years. So here we go, my list of books that have shaped my life thus far:

As a child (age 5-8)

  1. The Faraway Tree Books-Enid Blyton

I loved The Faraway Tree books as a child, they were probably one of my first forays into a fantasy type world, and whilst her stories were quite simplistic, they were perfect for me as a young child, I could adventure with Fanny, Jo and Beth to the top of the Faraway Tree into a different land in every chapter and it was so exciting to read about this tree with so many different possibilities at the top of it.

2. Shadow The Sheepdog-Enid Blyton

Yes another Enid Blyton book, I really loved her books as a child! This one used to be my dad’s and he read it to me when I was little, it was also one of the first books I read on my own. I read it so much that the copy literally fell apart. I have always been very into animals, so reading about Shadow’s adventures with his owner Johnny was great for me.

3. My Secret Unicorn and Stardust-Linda Chapman

These two Linda Chapman series were among my first forays into fantasy as well. My Secret Unicorn I loved because it combined a horse crazy girl and magic and those were (and remain) two of my favourite things at the time. The Stardust series had normal kids who at night turned into “Stardust spirits” (kind of like fairies) who could do magic and fly and everything and as a kid I loved those things.

4. James Herriot Books-James Herriot

My dad used to read me and my sister James Herriot books when I was a kid and for a long time I thought I wanted to be a vet, in no small part due to those books (until I realised my skills did not lie in the sciences!). My dad would always do the Yorkshire accents of the farmers (as he’s from Yorkshire), which entertained my sister and I to no end, and I just have such fond memories of being read these books as a kid.

5. Matilda-Roald Dahl

This book was one of my absolute favourites as a kid, I related to Matilda so much! Roald Dahl books in general were an absolute staple of my childhood but this one was my particular favourite.

Age 9-12

6. Harry Potter-JK Rowling

Obviously this had to be on this list, as the series that really got me into reading and writing, this is basically the series of my childhood. I hope that one day I will be able to inspire someone to write as much as JK Rowling inspired me.

7. Heartland Series-Lauren Brooke

Lauren Brooke’s books I feel are at least partly responsible for my obsession with horses, I devoured them when I was a kid. The stories are relatively simple and can get kind of formulaic after a while, but they are a lot of fun if you are a horsey loving kid.

8. A Series of Unfortunate Events-Lemony Snicket

I remember going to the library every week when I was younger and getting a new ASOUE book each time I went. The series does get a little repetitive but I loved how different it was from anything else I’d read, it’s certainly quite a unique series.

9. The Roman Mysteries-Caroline Lawrence

Again, when I was younger and I went to the library I would get the latest Roman Mysteries book. Books like this series definitely contributed to my choice to study history at Uni, it’s a bit sad actually that I never managed to finish the series, but I think I’d be a little old for it now!

10. Black Beauty-Anna Sewell

Another byproduct of my horse addiction and to date, one of the few classic books I have not only tolerated but absolutely loved!

11. Blind Beauty-KM Peyton

In no way related, although I don’t doubt that KM Peyton was inspired by Anna Sewell’s famous book, this is a beautiful story about a misfit girl and a blind racehorse who form an unlikely team to win the Grand National.

12. Ballet Shoes-Noel Streatfeild

For some reason I had a thing about dance books when I was younger, and this was one of my favourites. On the surface, it’s a story about dance, but it’s so much more than that, it’s a story about choosing your family, growing up and finding your way in the world.

Age 13-19

13. Skulduggery Pleasant Series-Derek Landy

This is one of two main series that marked my teen years (although I actually started reading it at age 12), as the books ended at around the same time I was reaching the end of my teens (although he has now started a second series of them!), so there’s a strong association to my teen years with this series, that’s one of the reasons I was so sad when it ended, because it marked not only the end of the series but pretty much the end of my teen years. This series has everything, magic, skeletons, Ireland, a variety of different monsters, and it’s just so hilarious, I would highly recommend!

14. Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus Series-Rick Riordan

Okay, I’m cheating a little here and lumping these two series together, but like Skulduggery Pleasant, this series marked my teen years, I started reading it at age 14, and got through the first five books all in the same year and then read one Heroes of Olympus book every year from the age of 14 to the age of 18. I was already obsessed with Greek mythology before reading these books, but they definitely took the obsession to a new level. By the time the series was over, much like Harry Potter, it felt like I had grown up with these characters and they’re definitely ones that I hold very close to my heart.

15. Noughts and Crosses-Malorie Blackman

I first read this one at 13, and it was among the first YA books that I read as an actual YA, I was probably reading them before I became a teenager, but this was one of the first I read as an actual teen. It was also my first foray into dystopia, a genre that I have come to love very much over the years, although I didn’t know that was the name for the genre at the time! This is also notable as one of the few love stories I’ve actually enjoyed, but it’s so much more than just a love story, it’s a great commentary on race and race relations but written in a way that’s very accessible for teens.

16. My Sister’s Keeper-Jodi Picoult

This is one of the first adult books I read, at 13, and I was surprised I loved it as much as I did as it wasn’t my usual type of book but I fell in love with the story and my signed copy is now one of my most treasured possessions (though it’s not the copy I first read, as I borrowed it from the library the first time I read it. Then I bought my own copy but lent it to my friend who lost it, so she got me a new one, which is the one I had signed).

17. Unwind Dystology-Neal Shusterman

This is one of my favourite series that I’ve read in the past few years, so I had to include it on this list! This was I suppose the last big series of my dystopia phase as I haven’t really read any since 2014/15. I can honestly say I’ve never read anything else like it, it’s dark and creepy but also really powerful and thought provoking and I think that with everything going on in America at the moment with Trump, it would definitely be a timely read for everyone. Seriously guys, I cannot push this book on you hard enough!

18. The Raven Cycle-Maggie Stiefvater

This series is one of the ones that marks my late teens, as I started reading it when I was in Year 11, I think, so about 16 and the last book came out last year, just before I turned twenty, so I suppose it kind of bookended the last few years of my teens. I wasn’t actually that keen on this series at first, I thought it was so strange when I first started reading it, but it’s that exact thing that makes it so appealing. Nowhere else will you read about dead welsh kings, psychics, magic and one of the best friendship groups in YA.

19. Throne of Glass-Sarah J Maas

Okay, so this has gone through to my early twenties, but I did start this series when I was 17 so I’m going to count it here. If JK Rowling was one of my biggest writing inspirations when I was a child, then Sarah J Maas is definitely the one of my teen years/early twenties. I find it so amazing that this story she wrote at 16, she actually managed to get published and turned into this huge bestselling series, it makes me believe that I may actually be able to do it one day too. Plus, ya know, magic, dragon, royalty, queens, evil demons, fighting, this series has all the elements to make it an Jo fave!

20. The Book Thief-Markus Zusak

This is one of my absolute favourite books, it’s such a beautiful and tragic story, and in amongst the war and death and tragedy, Liesel’s love of books just leaps off the page. I love these kinds of war stories, when the focus isn’t on the big events, it’s on the everyday lives of the people from that time because that’s what history is all about after all, the people. Using Death as the narrator as well was an inspired choice, even if it was a little strange at first!

Age 19-21

21. Shades of Magic Trilogy-VE Schwab

I started this series the summer after my first year of Uni, and was pretty much addicted from the first line, honestly. It has everything I love, magic, pirates, royalty, fight scenes, sass, shippable romances (I may tire of romance but when a couple is truly shippable, I cannot resist), brilliant world-building, I mean I could go on and on all day about how much I love this series. VE Schwab is such an inspiration to me, I wish I could write as well as she does. Her tweets are so funny and honest as well, as a young writer, she is my favourite author to follow on Twitter, she offers such great advice and is so honest about her experiences, it’s wonderful to see.

Honourable Mentions: The Hunger Games, The Bone Season Series, Six of Crows, Between Shades of Grey, Code Name Verity, Dangerous Girls, Timekeeper, Charlotte’s Web, The Storyteller, The Pact, Plain Truth, Nineteen Minutes, Animal Ark, Puppy Patrol, Thirteen Reasons Why, Artemis Fowl

So there we go, that’s my bumper size birthday edition TTT! Have you read any of these books? What books do you feel have shaped your life? Let me know in the comments!

Next week’s TTT topic is the dreaded TBR topic, so you guys get to see which books I’m going to try and probably fail to read this Autumn! In the meantime, I’m hoping to do a discussion post this week talking about the Books that Made Me, so quite similar to this post, but I’ll be talking about some of these books and authors in more detail and potentially some other books as well as I’ve been inspired by so many books. I also finished Glass Sword on Sunday, so I’ll hopefully have a review of that up very soon (I am back at Uni now though, so bear with me if I’m a little slower posting over the next few weeks)!



106 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #124

  1. bookmuffin 12/09/2017 / 6:40 am

    Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the 21 club 🎉 it looks like you had such a rich reading life leading up to now, which is not dissimilar from my own! Ballet Shoes will always be an all-time favourite ☺️ great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 12/09/2017 / 11:26 am

      Thank you! Yes, it’s one of mine too, such a wonderful story.

  2. judithcmoore 12/09/2017 / 11:29 am

    The faraway tree! ❤ I always loved how Enid Blyton wrote lovely children's books but hated children!

  3. Jasprit (@jaskaur11) 12/09/2017 / 2:26 pm

    This is a great list! I don’t think I would have been able to remember all the books that I loved when I was younger! And everyone has been on at me to read Schwab’s books, I need to get to them soon! Also Happy Birthday!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 8:28 am

      Thank you! I’m not gonna lie, the earlier ones were hard, Goodreads helped me out with a lot of the rest! You absolutely do, her books are so good. Aww thanks 🙂

  4. journeyintobooks 12/09/2017 / 3:02 pm

    Happy birthday 🎉🎉 I loved the Faraway Tree when I was younger ☺

  5. Amber 12/09/2017 / 4:59 pm

    Ahhh, Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic, magical day filled with good people and delicious treats! ❤

  6. Ashley 12/09/2017 / 5:48 pm

    Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a great day filled with love and books!
    I just finished The Raven Boys, and fill like I have been missing out! I am so in love!
    I loved Matilda when i was younger.
    Of course Harry Potter was and still is life!
    You have a great list!
    I hope you have a great day!!!
    Ashley @ Books To The Tea

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 8:24 am

      Thank you! I had a lovely day and yes, there were books involved. Oh yay, I’m so glad you loved it. Yes, Matilda is a bookworm must and Harry Potter is obviously amazing.

  7. JoBeth @ Blue Binding 12/09/2017 / 5:58 pm

    Happy Birthday!! You’ve read a lot of wonderful books! I did my TTT on books from when I was a kid, and it was really fun to look back on it, as I’m sure you did. Hopefully your list will only continue to grow!! 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 8:22 am

      Thank you! Yes, it was great to look back on everything I’d read over the years and realise how much really great stuff I’d read. I hope so too!

  8. lindseyhabets 12/09/2017 / 6:12 pm

    Happy birthday! And love your list! It’s so fun to see the books that shaped a person’s life 🙂

  9. Lucybird 12/09/2017 / 6:59 pm

    Happy Birthday

    I love your list idea, and remember quite a few myself.I also had a Noel Streatfield stage which started off with Ballet Shoes, and it’s interesting to see someone mentioning Animal Ark

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 8:18 am

      Thank you! Yes as did I, although I didn’t read as many as I would have liked, they were quite hard to get hold of! I loved Animal Ark as a kid, I meant to put it on my main list but I ran out of space so just had to add it on at the end.

  10. KliScruggs 12/09/2017 / 10:40 pm

    Man I totally forgot about A Series of Unfortunate Events! I can’t believe that. I feel like I was in the minority when it comes to the Netflix adaption in that I was apathetic towards it.
    Also I read Naughts and Crosses maybe too early because I understand why it’s so important and groundbreaking, but I didn’t like it very much.

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 8:16 am

      I quite liked the Netflix adaptation, all we had up till now was the Jim Carrey movie and the Netflix show is much more true to the spirit of the books! Fair enough, you’re not the only one!

      • KliScruggs 13/09/2017 / 1:37 pm

        The Jim Carrey one was HORENDOUS. It was such a shame and they combined three books into one, it was entirely ridiculous.

  11. kozbisa 12/09/2017 / 11:11 pm

    Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day! What a neat approach for this week’s topic. I am able to remember some of my childhood faves, and my favorites from my required reading, but I cannot really remember the books I pleasure read as a teen. If only we had Goodreads (and the internet) back then.

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 8:15 am

      Thank you! It was really lucky that this week’s topic was what it was really as it’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a while and it just happened to coincide with my birthday! Ha ha yes, Goodreads and the internet have been lifesavers!

  12. Greg Hill 13/09/2017 / 12:07 am

    Happy birthday!! I loved Roald Dahl books as a kid, there was just something about them. 🙂

  13. Alexandra P. 13/09/2017 / 9:22 am

    OMG YES! Black Beauty was also my favorite book as a child! Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 12:35 pm

      I got into trouble for reading it under my desk at school! Thanks 🙂

  14. Louise 13/09/2017 / 11:20 am

    I read Unwind just last month and you’re totally right. It’s so good, and creepy and relevant right now.

  15. hannawsreads 13/09/2017 / 11:39 am

    I’ve heard so much about Matilda lately but haven’t actually never read it! Everyone says only good thing about it that I might have to actually read it some day

  16. Sarah 13/09/2017 / 12:01 pm

    Omg I forgot how much I loved the James Herriot books! I may need to reread those… And the Heartland series was one of my favorites when I was younger.

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 12:30 pm

      Yes they were amazing! I think my dad only read us the first two, so I might have to go back and read the rest….if he still has them. I did love the Heartland series when I was younger and I’ve been watching the TV show for the best part of the last decade, so it’s been a huge part of my life!

      • Sarah 14/09/2017 / 12:33 pm

        My mom’s good friend gave me a boxed set of them when I was younger, but I don’t know where they went to… It sounds lovely that your dad read them to you! I somehow missed out on the Heartland TV show, but maybe I’ll look into it at some point!

      • iloveheartlandx 14/09/2017 / 12:51 pm

        Oh wow that’s really cool! Yes it was 🙂 You definitely should, it’s on Netflix, and they’re almost up to date now!

  17. Holly 13/09/2017 / 12:22 pm

    I don’t like reading sad things, so I always avoided My Sister’s Keeper. I’ve heard fantastic things about it, though. Great list! 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 12:24 pm

      Thanks! Yeah My Sister’s Keeper probably isn’t the best for people who don’t like reading sad books!

  18. jessticulates 13/09/2017 / 2:35 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day. =) I love The Book Thief and Noughts & Crosses is still one of my favourite books of all time.

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 3:11 pm

      Aww thank you, yes it was wonderful! Yes The Book Thief is great and I agree, Noughts and Crosses is also one of my all time favourites.

  19. goldenbooksgirl 13/09/2017 / 2:44 pm

    Happy birthday! I really enjoyed some of these books too. The My Secret Unicorn books were so lovely, and Matilda is phenomenal. Amy x

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 3:09 pm

      Thank you! That’s great to hear. Yes they were, such cute stories and Matilda will always have a special place in my heart.

  20. Nicole @whatadifferenceawordmakes 13/09/2017 / 3:25 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday! I’ve just started making my way through the Shades of Magic trilogy and I’m loving it. I followed her on Twitter before I’d read anything by her, and I was so pleased to see that humour and warmth in her writing as well! I haven’t read the Raven Cycle yet but as a Welsh person reading the words ‘dead welsh kings’ definitely makes me want to read it more than I did before!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 3:34 pm

      Thanks! That’s great to hear. Yes, her personality really does shine through her books! Ooh you definitely should, it’s so much fun.

  21. jennielyse 13/09/2017 / 4:10 pm

    Happy birthday! And congrats on another year at uni! I hope it goes well for you. I love your take on this week’s topic to help celebrate your birthday. Some great books you’ve grown up with! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 4:59 pm

      Thank you! Yes, it was very lucky that this was the topic this week, it worked out so perfectly. I know, I feel very lucky to have been able to read all these amazing books. No problem 🙂

  22. rekhaatmillionbookmill 13/09/2017 / 4:29 pm

    Happy Birthday (belated)!!!!! I am so happy I found someone else who loved Enid Blyton. She was amazing. I own the Unwind dystology and need to read it so bad. Of course PJO is an ultimate favourite! I also need to continue with the Shades of Magic trilogy. Great post!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 4:58 pm

      Thank you! Enid Blyton was a staple of my childhood, couldn’t not include her books in my list. Oh you definitely should it’s amazing. Of course! I devoured the first five books within maybe a week or two? I don’t know how long but it was quick, they were so addictive! I hope you enjoy the rest of the Shades of Magic books then. Thanks 🙂

  23. ravishingtales 13/09/2017 / 4:40 pm

    Wishing you a belated happy birthday! This is such a detailed throwback TTT and it brings back so many memories! I didn’t read Matilda as a child and still haven’t read it but I’ve seen many readers state this book as their childhood favorite. It makes me wanna get my own copy right now!

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 4:56 pm

      Thank you! Ha ha I guess I got a little nostalgic whilst writing it too. Oh you definitely should, it’s a great book 🙂

  24. whimsywriter3 13/09/2017 / 4:48 pm

    Oh yes, I also loved A Series of Unfortunate Events! The netflix show that came out recently has made my younger self’s heart so happy.

    • iloveheartlandx 13/09/2017 / 4:55 pm

      Yes mine too! It was so much better than the rubbish Jim Carrey movie we got.

  25. Beth (Reading Every Night) 13/09/2017 / 7:20 pm

    Oh happy birthday, and this is a great way to celebrate on your blog. 😀
    Harry Potter is definitely a series that shape my life, it’s why I discovered reading and why I love it so much. The books and the films have had such a huge impact on me.
    Great picks for this week. 🙂

  26. readingwithjessica 13/09/2017 / 8:41 pm

    Happy Birthday!! You’ve been blogging for such a long time! Congrats for sticking with it!!Loveeee Sarah J Maas and all her series. She is truly talented and I hope she never stops writing. Great post!

    • iloveheartlandx 14/09/2017 / 12:25 am

      Thank you! Ah it doesn’t feel like it, some days I feel like a I’m still a complete newbie! Me too 🙂

      • readingwithjessica 15/09/2017 / 4:27 pm

        I’ve only been blogging since July 2017 so it seems like a really long time in my eyes lol! Congrats!

      • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2017 / 4:34 pm

        Thanks! Enjoy the first year, it goes by so quickly 🙂

  27. Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie 13/09/2017 / 10:39 pm

    Wow! Impressive list! I forgot all about James Herriot. What a wonderful pick. I loved those books. Oh…and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    • iloveheartlandx 14/09/2017 / 12:23 am

      Thank you! Yes me too, I will have to see if my dad has the rest so I can finish them, because we never did! Thanks 🙂

  28. Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts 13/09/2017 / 10:59 pm

    Ahh, happy late birthday! I remember reading Percy Jackson around the age of 13 – that was when the movie was about to come out and I was curious after reading a sample of the script in class in a magazine (I forgot what it was).

    I read Harry Potter around the same time as well, thanks to the movies playing on ABC in December.

    Thanks for stopping by Novelistic Narration! ^^

    • iloveheartlandx 14/09/2017 / 12:22 am

      Thank you! Ah yes, I think I read it around the same year the movie came out, but I didn’t see that until a few years later. No problem 🙂

  29. buffywnabe 14/09/2017 / 1:16 am

    You’ve got quite a list there! Several that would definitely be ones that shaped my reading as well. Great choices! Thanks for visiting my top 10 on Lisa Loves Literature earlier!

  30. Jaime 14/09/2017 / 2:03 am

    There are so many on this list I’ve read and loved. Harry Potter, Shades of Magic, Percy Jackson, A Series of Unfortunate Events… and more!

    I think this was a cool way to use the prompt this week, especially since it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday! It’s fun to see all the books that have shaped who you are as a reader. 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 14/09/2017 / 9:27 am

      Yay! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed a lot of these too. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  31. thebookishlibra 14/09/2017 / 2:03 am

    Happy Birthday! This is a great list of books. Lots of favorites on there. 🙂

  32. Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense 14/09/2017 / 3:35 am

    I’m a day late, but happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with lots of amazing gifts. I finally read Matilda this year and can’t believe it wasn’t a part of my own childhood.

    • iloveheartlandx 14/09/2017 / 9:18 am

      Thank you! Yes I did 🙂 Ooh yay, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  33. 1girl2manybooks 14/09/2017 / 10:59 am

    Happy birthday! I was so into the Enid Blyton books as a kid! Absolutely obsessed with them.

  34. Curly Carla 14/09/2017 / 7:24 pm

    I loved Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus series! My whole family read that. And A Series of Unfortunate Events is on my TBR. I think I own Thye Book Theif and want to read that too. HP was only okay for me, Got about halfway through the series and I lost interest. Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2017 / 4:43 pm

      Aww that’s lovely! ASOUE does get a little repetitive in the early books, but the later books definitely change things. Ooh you should, it’s so good. Fair enough, it’s not for everyone. Thank you 🙂

  35. Louise ✨🦇 14/09/2017 / 10:22 pm

    I loved Enid Blyton when I was little; I had a few of her short story collections and I used to watch the Noddy TV series all the time, but I don’t really remember reading the books 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2017 / 4:39 pm

      I don’t remember much of what I read when I was a kid, but the really good stuff has stuck with me!

  36. Cait @ Paper Fury 15/09/2017 / 12:04 pm

    Omg you mention SO many good books here.😍 *flails endlessly* I was super obsessed with Stiefvater books from around 17 and they honestly shaped my whole reading world. I only got into Schwab last year but HOLY WOW HER BOOKS AND STYLE AND WRITING ARE EVERYTHING. And I was all over A Series of Unfortunate Events as a kid too!! I remember saving all my birthday/christmas money to buy the hardcovers. 😂

    • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2017 / 4:33 pm

      Thanks! Yes same here, from around the same age actually, I was about 16 when I first started reading Stiefvater and I’ve never looked back! So excited for All The Crooked Saints next month. Oh yeah, same, I started with ADSOM last summer and the addiction set in pretty fast! Oh yay, that’s great! Like I said, I got them from the library and devoured the next one each week I went back!

  37. Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads 15/09/2017 / 4:56 pm

    First of all, happy belated birthday! This really was the perfect time for TTT to have throwback freebie for you, haha. I love Jodi Picoult’s writing and I’m super jealous that you have a signed copy of one of her books! She’s one of the few authors of adult fiction who I really truly love and will read pretty much anything written by her. I really need to read Noughts and Crosses! I hadn’t heard about it until early this year, but it sounds sooo good.

    • iloveheartlandx 16/09/2017 / 12:14 pm

      Thank you! Yes, I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw what this week’s topic was! Me too, I actually have a few of her books signed, I’ve been to two of her events and got signed books from both, but My Sister’s Keeper is my most precious of those as it was the first of hers I’ve read. Same here, I’m not really a huge fan of adult fiction (though I’ve been getting more into adult fantasy this year) but I will read anything of hers. Oh you definitely should, Malorie Blackman is an incredible author.

      • Kourtni @ Kourtni Reads 16/09/2017 / 2:52 pm

        I almost had the chance to see Jodi Picoult last year when she released Small Great Things, but then I ended up having to go out-of-state the night that she was near me and I was so disappointed! I swear I’ll get to meet her one of these days, haha.

  38. Lianne @ 15/09/2017 / 10:08 pm

    Belated happy birthday! I love how you set up your TTT for this week 🙂 Sounds like you had a lovely birthday (from what I read in the later post); wishing you a lovely 21st and a great year ahead of more wonderful books to read!

    Thanks for dropping by my my TTT earlier this week, have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  39. BooksyDaisy Reviews 15/09/2017 / 11:06 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a good one! I tried to read A Darker Shade of Magic a while back, but unfortunately it became a victim of my reading slump. I think I might try to listen to it on audiobook this time around though. So many people love it, so I think I should give it a second chance. 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 16/09/2017 / 12:08 pm

      Thank you! Yes it was great. Oh no, I hope it works out better for you this time!

  40. Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight 17/09/2017 / 2:26 am

    First, a HUGE Happy Belated Birthday!! So exciting, I hope you had an incredible day! I sadly haven’t read many books from your list, but I was cheering at your inclusion of Unwind, that series is so incredible! The Book Thief is another amazing one. I would have definitely had The Hunger Games on my list haha- I am happy to see it in honorable mentions! Great take on this topic, and again, happy birthday!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2017 / 11:44 pm

      Thank you! Yes I did, it was lovely 🙂 Ah well, I hope you do read a few more of them at some point. Yes it is truly incredible, I wish I had picked it up sooner. The Book Thief is beautiful. Haha yes, well I wanted to, but I was determined to stick to the 21 book limit so it coincided with my birthday, and I read The Hunger Games in my teen years as well, which as you can see is pretty packed already! Thanks 🙂

  41. Annemieke 17/09/2017 / 11:45 am

    Happy belated birthday! You have some great books and authors on this week’s list. Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and so on.

  42. Lois 18/09/2017 / 10:20 pm

    Happy belated birthday. I hope you had a lovely day. I love the spin you put on this topic and I definitely agree with you on how some of these books influenced me as a reader, especially the Shades of Magic series.

    • iloveheartlandx 19/09/2017 / 10:51 am

      Thank you! Yes I did have a lovely day. That’s great, I’m glad you feel the same way!

  43. Liza @ Quite the Novel Idea 18/09/2017 / 10:23 pm

    Well, I’m certainly late to the party… Anyway, happy birthday! I’ve read 6, 14, 18, 19, and 20 and love them all. Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 19/09/2017 / 10:49 am

      Ha ha no problem, thank you! All great books, though I would recommend any of the books on my list. Thanks 🙂

  44. Helia Reads 23/10/2017 / 10:13 am

    What a lovely post idea, and happy belated birthday! Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are incredible, and I still need to read A Series of Unfortunate Events. I think in my early teens The Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare really shaped me or at least influenced me a lot. I also feel like The Shades of Magic series and The Raven Cycle were big parts of my life, and I don’t think I’m going to ever let go of those stories or what they meant to me.

    • iloveheartlandx 23/10/2017 / 9:00 pm

      Aww thank you! Yes they are. Oh you definitely should, I loved them as a kid. I actually haven’t read any of Cassandra Clare’s books (much to the dismay of my friend!) but I know lots of people like them. Oh yes, me too for TRC and Shades of Magic, they have been very important stories in my life!

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