Top Ten Tuesday #333

Hi all! I hope you’ve had a good week since I last did one of these, I had a lovely birthday on Sunday, lunch with my friend was so nice and I had my usual evening of musicals, my annual birthday watch of Moulin Rouge of course, and I also finally got around to watching In The Heights, which was a lot of fun (though I do slightly begrudge the whole new cinema releases being £15.99 to RENT on Amazon, if you’re going to charge me that much, I’d rather just buy the film!). I also binged the final series of Lucifer in 2 days and I HAVE FEELINGS. MANY MANY MANY FEELINGS, so if you’ve seen it and want to chat, then drop me a line in the comments!

Anyway, it’s Tuesday, so that means another Top Ten Tuesday courtesy of Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week we’re talking Books With Numbers In The Title, a topic we did two years ago, but it turns out there are quite a lot of books with numbers in the title, so I’m happily bringing it back for a part 2! Here we go, Books With Numbers In The Title:

  1. Ninth House-Leigh Bardugo

This one just missed the cut off for my last list on this topic as it wasn’t out yet! I have to admit, Bardugo’s adult debut isn’t my favourite of her books, as it has a major pacing problem and I didn’t really connect to any of the characters. Still I did love seeing a fantasy with University as the setting, and I do think the series has potential, so I’m hoping when the next book comes out, I’ll enjoy that one more now that all of the dense world building has been set up!

2. The Second Summer of The Sisterhood-Ann Brashares

The sequel to the first Traveling Pants book is probably my favourite of the four sequels (though I never actually read the fifth book!) though that was probably largely due to Bridget’s story of connecting with her grandmother and learning more about her mother, and Tibby coming to terms with her grief over Bailey’s death, as I can’t really remember much about Lena and Carmen’s stories!

3. A Thousand Perfect Notes-CG Drews

CG Drews (aka Paper Fury)’s debut is not my usual kind of book, I’m not a big contemporary reader and I did have some of the same problems I always have with contemporaries: pacing and lacking in plot. However, I did really like the characters and I thought Drews did a good job of portraying the abuse that Beck suffered at the hands of his mother, and the friendship between the two main characters was lovely.

4. The One Dollar Horse-Lauren St John

I don’t read all that many horse books anymore because they tend to be aimed for a younger audience: where are all the horse books for the horse obsessed kids who grew up to be still horse obsessed adults? Anyway, I was probably slightly above the target age range for this book when I read it at 16/17, but it was still a lovely read, a little unrealistic that an inexperienced rider with no money and a horse in incredibly poor condition would be able to get up to Badminton level in two years, but since horse fiction is all about wish fulfilment, it doesn’t really matter and this book definitely gave me lots of nostalgia for my childhood horse reads!

5. Split Second-Sophie McKenzie

I was such a massive fan of Sophie McKenzie from about 16-18, and this was one of my favourites of her books. It’s a dystopia, but definitely feels different to the Divergents, Maze Runners and Hunger Games of the world, as it’s more of a near future type dystopia, so the London featured feels very similar to our London, and the setting being in the UK was also fairly unusual as I can’t think of many UK set dystopias (or at least I’d read very few when I read this book, I know of a few more now). It’s such an action packed, explosive read, with tons of twists and turns and I highly recommend it if you like dystopia.

6. Second Glance-Jodi Picoult

Second Glance has always struck me as the most unique of Picoult’s books because it combines a lot of different genres into one book: you have the paranormal aspects, a bit of a murder mystery, historical elements etc. It doesn’t seem like it should work, but I found this a really fascinating read, especially learning about the Vermont eugenics project from the 1930s, which I have to admit, I knew next to nothing about before reading this book. My Sister’s Keeper is still my favourite Picoult book, but this one is definitely up there too.

7. 13 Minutes-Sarah Pinborough

I’m notoriously picky about thrillers, because I find that so often they really don’t shock me! But this one definitely took me by surprise, there were so many twists and just when I thought I’d worked everything out (and was feeling really smug about doing so), another twist came along, and knocked all that out from under me. The way that this book explores toxic female friendships is also really well done. If you’re wanting an incredibly well crafted mystery with lots of surprises, I highly recommend this book!

8. The Book of Two Ways-Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult’s most recent book is definitely not my favourite of hers, I didn’t really connect to the characters, and there was a bit of an overload of technical information about Egyptology and Quantum physics. I felt like the book tried to do too much to be honest, and had Picoult just focused on one strand and built up the characters more, I might have connected more to it.

9. Six Crimson Cranes-Elizabeth Lim

I’ve not read this one yet, I meant to, I even had an e-ARC from Netgalley, but I’ve been in such a slump this year that I never got around to it! I definitely want to at some point though, I’m always looking for unique fairytale retellings, and this one is based on “The Wild Swans”, a Hans Christian Andersen story that I’d not actually heard of before, so I’d be interested to see how Lim tackles it and incorporates East Asian folklore into the story as well.

10. A Thousand Ships-Natalie Haynes

Apparently this year has been the year of Greek mythology, between The Song of Achilles, Lore and Ariadne, I’ve been reading quite a bit of Greek mythology inspired stories, and adding even more to my TBR! I’m definitely looking forward to trying this one, as it retells the Trojan War from the perspective of the women involved which I think will be really cool, I love stories that traditionally focus on men being retold to centre women’s perspectives!

So there we go, more books with numbers in the title! Have you read any of these? Do you want to? What books with numbers in them were on your list this week? Let me know in the comments!

Next week’s topic is our annual Autumn TBR list, and though I’ve been doing terribly on my TBRs this year, I still always enjoy doing these topics!

34 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #333

  1. Greg 14/09/2021 / 12:35 pm

    I love a university setting so Ninth House has had me eyeing it for a while. And yay for Greek mythology! I didn’t know about that one…

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:39 pm

      The Uni setting was definitely my favourite thing about it. The Greek mythology one is fairly new, I think it was only published this year.

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:37 pm

      Yes he does. Evidently whatever it was wasn’t very exciting. I will steer clear then!

  2. Rhosymedre (@Rhosymedre) 14/09/2021 / 6:14 pm

    I loved Bridget in book 2 as well. The relationship with her grandmother, the splendid attic makeover, even the details of her boarding house room seemed like such a fantastic adventure. And I liked that she got back into soccer and had fun with all the guys, but didn’t randomly make out with/fall in love with any of them along the way. She came back to herself, FOR herself.

    Carmen and Lena’s storylines both kinda revolved around guys — Carmen being frustrated by her mom’s dating life whiel trying to jump-start her own, Lena reconnecting with Kostos after a school-year breakup — but what I thought was really interesting was how this book revealed that both Bridget and Lena had repeated their moms’ dating patterns — Bridget going for an older guy, Lena’s first love being a Greek guy (who breaks her heart).

    Thanks for the One-Dollar Horse rec. I’ll happily read kids’ books all day long to get my horse fix, but where ARE all the horse books for adults?? It’s a struggle to find them even for young adults, at least in traditional publishing (Amazon’s always throwing scads of self-published horsey teen novels into my recs, though I’m rather nervous about taking a chance on them.)

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:35 pm

      Yes, she went on such a journey through the second book, her arc really was the best. I think you actually hit really well on why I liked it the most, it was one of the few non-romantic storylines in the book!
      I found that frustrated me about Lena, literally all her storylines in the books revolved around boys. The other girls all got some kind of non-romantic storyline in at least one of the books but Lena’s were always about the guys, moreso than they were about her. I never noticed that, but you’re right!
      No problem. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way. Does publishing just assume that no one’s interested in horses past age 10 or so?

  3. Mareli Thalwitzer 14/09/2021 / 6:44 pm

    I loved The Book of Two Ways! But I’ve noticed that there are quite the diverse reactions to the book.

    I loved Ninth House too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:19 pm

      Yeah there definitely seems to have been a split. I’m glad you enjoyed it though!

  4. Susan 15/09/2021 / 12:09 am

    I never realized there were so many book titles with numbers in them! My mind totally blanked on this topic, but everyone else seems to have had no problems with the topic. Good job 🙂

    Happy TTT!


  5. dinipandareads 15/09/2021 / 4:53 am

    Happy belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day 🙂 I still have to watch In The Heights too and I’m trying not to go in with too high expectations (if that’s even possible lol) 😂 Glad to hear you enjoyed it though!
    There are a few books on this list that I still need to read but I loved Six Crimson Cranes and ah, The Second Summer of the Sisterhood brings such a rush of nostalgia! 😍

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:15 pm

      I did, thank you! I actually never saw the show, it did come to the UK, but before I really knew who Lin Manuel-Miranda was, and by the time I did know and would have liked to see it, it wasn’t running anymore! Hopefully they revive it one day. Anyway, all that preamble to say, I think it kind of helped never having seen the show because I had pretty much no expectations. I’m glad to hear you loved Six Crimson Cranes. Yes, I loved the Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants books when I was a teenager!

  6. pagesandtea 15/09/2021 / 7:27 am

    I like the sound of Ninth House, mostly because of the setting 🙂

  7. FangirlFlax 15/09/2021 / 8:40 pm

    I loved the setting for Ninth House! It was such an atmospheric book. Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:07 pm

      Thank you! Yes, the atmosphere was one definitely one of the better things about the book.

  8. thebookishlibra 16/09/2021 / 1:00 am

    Happy Belated Birthday! I’ve actually only read one of the books on your list, Ninth House, and like you, it definitely wasn’t my favorite Bardugo book.

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:06 pm

      Thank you! Yeah I love her stuff, but Ninth House fell a little short for me, which was a shame because I was so excited for it.

  9. Lexlingua 21/09/2021 / 3:20 pm

    Sorry for coming to this post so late! I hope you had a great birthday. 🙂 I plan to binge very soon on Lucifer’s last season as well, and you’ve just convinced me to add 13 Minutes to my TBR. Thanks!

    • iloveheartlandx 21/09/2021 / 10:01 pm

      Ah that’s okay! I did, thank you. Ooh I hope you enjoy both of them 🙂

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