Top Ten Tuesday #193


Hi everyone! Hope the first week of 2019 treated you all well, mine has been relatively quiet, just preparing interview questions for my Journalism project so I can get a headstart before I get back to Uni. My mum and I also went to see Bohemian Rhapsody at the cinema on Sunday and that was great, so all in all not a bad start to 2019.

Anyway, since it’s Tuesday, I have another Top Ten Tuesday for you all, courtesy of Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. As last week’s topic was all about looking back, this week’s, it seems fitting, is all about looking forward. Today we’re talking all about our Most Anticipated Releases For The First Half of 2019 (so January to June, though I may slip a couple of July releases onto the list), which is awesome because there are so many great books coming out this year that I want to talk about. I’m going to be doing this in order of release date rather than order of excitement because otherwise this list would look really messy!:


  1. King of Scars-Leigh Bardugo-29th January

I already have this preordered, despite the fact I’ve yet to finish the Grisha Trilogy and when I preordered it I hadn’t even met Nikolai yet, but it’s okay, I have now and I love him! I love the Grishaverse and the fact that Nina Zenik, one of my favourite Dregs characters is going to be in this too, makes it already perfection in my eyes.


2. The Dead Queen’s Club-Hannah Capin-29th January

Surprise, surprise, Jo the Tudor nerd is incredibly excited about a Tudor retelling. There’s so much to be mined from this particular era and whilst I wish I could have a fantasy Tudor retelling, I will take what I can get!

The Priory of the Orange Tree

3. The Priory of The Orange Tree-Samantha Shannon-26th February

Possibly one of my most anticipated releases for the entire year, let alone the next six months. I’ve heard such amazing things already and everything about the book says that I’m going to love it, it’s feminist, it has dragons, part of the world is inspired by the Elizabethan court, not to mention that cover is just DAMN GORGEOUS. I’m still a little apprehensive of how huge it is, especially since I’m still working my way through Kingdom of Ash this year, but I’m looking forward to it anyway.

An Affair of Poisons

4. An Affair of Poisons-Addie Thorley-Releases 26th February

Can I just say I am LIVING for how much historical fantasy is coming out this year? It’s making my little fantasy loving, history nerd heart so happy. This book is set during the reign of Louis XIV and follows seventeen year old alchemist Mira, who unwittingly helps her mother’s Shadow Society poison the king. I cannot wait for this one, it sounds like such a me book!


5. A Girl Called Shameless-Laura Steven-Releases 7th March

Definitely one of my most anticipated reads for 2019, The Exact Opposite of Okay was one of my favourite books of 2018 and I can’t wait to see what happens next in Izzy’s story this year.

6. Children of Virtue and Vengeance-Tomi Adeyemi-Releases 7th March

Sadly no cover for this one yet, but it’s still one of my most anticipated books of 2019. Children of Blood and Bone was one of my favourite books of 2018 and I have been not so patiently waiting to find out what happens to Zelie and Amari after THAT ending ever since I finished the first book in July, so it’s safe to say that I will probably be devouring this book as soon as it arrives.


7. Descendant of The Crane-Joan He-Releases 2nd April

Okay, so I have an e-ARC from Netgalley for this one, so I won’t be waiting all the way to release date to read it, but I’m still super excited for it. That cover is so beautiful and I’m looking forward to reading a Chinese inspired fantasy as it’s something that I’ve never read before.


8. The Devouring Gray-Christine Lynn Herman-Releases 16th April

I’ll be honest, I do prefer the US cover for this one, but since it’s going to be hardback and more expensive than the UK paperback, I’ll probably still end up getting this one. Anyway, this book sounds incredibly good, The Raven Cycle meets Stranger Things and I love this sort of contemporary fantasy/horror mix, so I’m hoping I will enjoy this book just as much as I think I will.


9. King of Fools-Amanda Foody-Releases 2nd May

I’m so excited for the second Shadow Game book! I really enjoyed the first book, Ace of Shades and I can’t wait to see what happens to Enne and Levi in the next part of their adventures, especially after how the last book ended.


10. Romanov-Nadine Brandes-Releases 7th May

AGHHH! I loved Fawkes so much when I read it this year, it was another one of my favourite books of 2018 and I’m so glad that Nadine Brandes is coming out with another historical fantasy retelling this year, especially given that it’s about the Romanovs, because I LOVE the Romanovs. Anastasia Romanov + magic=yes please!


11. Finale-Stephanie Garber-Releases 9th May

One of my most anticipated for the year! I loved Legendary so much last year, it was another of my favourite books of the year and I cannot wait to see how Tella and Scarlett’s story ends up. The stakes were so high at the end of Legendary that I’m sure Finale is going to be a thrilling and magical ride!

12. Crossfire-Malorie Blackman-Releases 4th July

So okay, this one would probably fit better with the second half of 2019’s releases, but I’m so excited for it, I really wanted it to be on this list. WE ARE GETTING A FIFTH NOUGHTS AND CROSSES BOOK. Noughts and Crosses was the series that first got me into YA, I doubt I would have ever become a YA book blogger without it, so I am seriously excited to see what happens in the newest instalment of the Noughts and Crosses series, it’s bound to be amazing-plus I haven’t read a Malorie Blackman book in a while, so I’m just excited to get back into her writing again.

So there we go, my most anticipated books of 2019! Are you looking forward to any of these? What are your most anticipated books of 2019? Let me know in the comments!

I will be back next week with a new TTT, this time we will be talking about the New To Me authors that we discovered in 2018, so that should be great, considering I read some great new authors last year.

I actually don’t have any real plans for the blog this week, since I’ve caught up on everything I meant to post in 2018 and did all of my start of 2019 posts last week, so you guys probably won’t hear from me again until next Tuesday. See you then!

87 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #193

  1. Jess @ Jessticulates 08/01/2019 / 12:01 pm

    HOW DID I NOT KNOW THERE’S A NEW NOUGHTS & CROSSES BOOK? That series BROKE me when I was a teenager – thanks for bringing the new book to my attention! King of Scars and The Priory of the Orange Tree made my list this week too, and I need to get to Children of Blood and Bone soon. Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:52 pm

      Yes, it was announced back in September! I know, me too. No problem, glad to have helped you find it. Yes, they seem to have been everywhere this week. Ah you definitely should, it was so good. Thank you 🙂

  2. lydiaschoch 08/01/2019 / 2:32 pm

    Ooh, “The Dead Queens Club” sounds good. I might have to add that to my TBR.

    This is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  3. Great list! I’ve seen King of Scars on a few! I’m excited for the next Laura Steven book too! Just totally forgot it was a thing when I wrote my list haha! I had Priory on my list too although, unlike you, I don’t know if I’m brave enough to embark on that epic 😣 I can’t wait for the next Children of Blood and Bone 😍

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:50 pm

      Thank you! Yeah King of Scars is something pretty much every YA blogger seems to be looking forward to-you should read Six of Crows, I think you’d like it. It’s so hard to keep track of everything coming out, I’m sure I forgot some as well. I’ll let you know if it’s good and if it is, you could always try it on audio-that might be a little less daunting than a full on 800 page book. Me either!

  4. Chelsey Carter 08/01/2019 / 4:38 pm

    I’ve seen King of Fools on quite a few lists this week. I’ve yet to read anything by Leigh Bardugo, but I definitely want to eventually. Hope you enjoy all of them once you read them! Thanks for stopping by Starry Sky Books. 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 14/01/2019 / 7:40 pm

      Yeah it does seem to be quite popular! Oh you should, her books are so good. Thank you 🙂

  5. Leslie 08/01/2019 / 4:44 pm

    So many good books on here, some that I forgot! Ah, King of Scars made my list too! 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:48 pm

      There are so many amazing books coming out just in the first half of 2019, it’s hard to keep track. It seems to have been everywhere today!

      • Leslie 09/01/2019 / 1:46 pm

        Yeah, there really is! I don’t know how I’m going to read them all. haha

  6. anovelglimpse 08/01/2019 / 5:00 pm

    I need to read Legendary so I can read Finale.
    Nice list!

  7. Chizurue 08/01/2019 / 5:14 pm

    Can’t wait to meet Nina again in King of Scars. And of course Nikolai ☺️

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:43 pm

      Me either! Yes, I’ve only just met Nikolai properly in Siege and Storm, but I’m loving him so far.

  8. KliScruggs 08/01/2019 / 5:19 pm

    Not very many people are talking about Dead Queen’s Club, but I am so excited for it! I was fascinated by the Tudor family when I was young, and I can’t say my curiosity has completely waned after reading more about them. I’ve read a couple re-imaginings of it in the past, but this is the first YA book I’ve heard of and I adore the title.

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:42 pm

      Yes me too! Ah I was the biggest Tudor nerd when I was a kid, still am really, so naturally this kind of stuff is incredibly enticing to me. I haven’t really read any, so I’m hoping this one will be good and I’ll be able to find more.

      • KliScruggs 09/01/2019 / 5:22 pm

        Lol yes!! I read like MG retellings when I was younger and The Other Boleyn Girl a bit ago. But I am in LOVE with retellings right now, so I’m excited to find more!

  9. Louise 08/01/2019 / 6:04 pm

    I can’t wait for Descendant of The Crane!

  10. Kelly W 08/01/2019 / 6:11 pm

    I hadn’t heard of An Affair of Poisons until a few days ago but… it does sound interesting. Poisons are fascinating. (I mean that in the least sinister way possible, I promise.)

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:41 pm

      It does! Ha ha don’t worry, I know what you mean 🙂

  11. Ashley Sapp 08/01/2019 / 6:25 pm

    Great list! I’m so excited for King of Scars and Romanov! They sound awesome! 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:39 pm

      Thank you! Ah don’t worry, I’ve been doing TTT for over three years and still haven’t really worked it out!

  12. Mackenzie Moody 08/01/2019 / 6:58 pm

    I hadn’t heard of An Affair of Poisons before but it sounds great!!

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:39 pm

      It does right! Glad to have helped you find something new 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 08/01/2019 / 7:38 pm

      Yes, the US cover is so much prettier! I kind of wanted to use that one instead of this one, but since I am a UK book blogger, I figured I probably should promote the edition of the book that’s coming out in my country. I know, Descendant of The Crane is so gorgeous-I have an e-ARC but if I like the book, I’m definitely getting a physical copy, because I need that cover in my life!

  13. ChrissiReads 08/01/2019 / 7:29 pm

    Crossfire! So excited! 🙂

  14. Greg 08/01/2019 / 7:46 pm

    The Priory of the Orange Tree does look amazing, no question. And The Devouring gray I have high hopes for!!

  15. Brooke Lorren (@Brookelorren) 08/01/2019 / 9:08 pm

    I’m looking forward to so many of these! Goodreads recommended Naughts and Crosses to me last year. Maybe I’ll get around to the first one in 2019. I know I’m going to read so many books this year, but at the same time, I don’t know how many of the ones I want to read I’ll be able to get to!

    • iloveheartlandx 09/01/2019 / 11:52 am

      Yay! Oh you definitely should read them, they’re such great books. Ah the eternal book blogger problem!

  16. agreatreviewer 08/01/2019 / 9:53 pm

    Ooh nice picks! Some new to me ones here! Except for King of Scars, The Devouring Gray, and Finale! All three of which are ones I am excited for! Though I will be waiting for King of Scars’ sequel before binging that duology! Lol!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

    • iloveheartlandx 09/01/2019 / 11:51 am

      Thanks! I’m glad to have helped you find some new books, and that we’re excited for a few of the same ones. That’s fair enough-I might end up doing that anyway, if I don’t have time to read King of Scars this year. No worries 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 09/01/2019 / 11:50 am

      As will I! I’m about halfway through Siege and Storm at the moment.

  17. Kay Wisteria 09/01/2019 / 12:09 am

    Absolutely can’t wait for King of Scars ❤

  18. kozbisa 09/01/2019 / 12:48 am

    Finale is showing up on a lot of lists today, and I hope to read it too.

  19. Arini 09/01/2019 / 1:31 am

    King of Scars is the only one that’s also on my list. 😍 I’ve seen The Priory of the Orange Tree, Descendant of the Crane, and King of Fools EVERYWHERE, but I still need a bit of convincing to read them. 🤓 I’m glad you enjoy the Caraval series. For me, it was more of an okay read. 😢 I’m not in a rush to finish it. 🤷‍♀️

    • iloveheartlandx 09/01/2019 / 11:49 am

      It seems to have really be making the rounds today! Ah well, I’m sure you have lots of other great books to look forward to. Fair enough, it’s not a series for everyone.

  20. Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense 09/01/2019 / 2:33 am

    I hope you enjoy your eARC of Descendant of The Crane. I was tempted to request it myself. Hope you enjoy all these reads!

    • iloveheartlandx 09/01/2019 / 11:47 am

      Ah thank you! There’s still time if you want to 🙂

  21. Tracy (@Cornerfolds) 09/01/2019 / 2:35 am

    We have a few in common! Finale and King of Scars are definitely my top two most anticipated!

  22. Melanie (TBR and Beyond) 09/01/2019 / 2:51 am

    Literally all of these are ones I want to read! We have very much similar taste! I love it!

  23. thebookishlibra 09/01/2019 / 3:15 am

    Yes to King of Scars! That’s probably the book that I’m most excited for.

  24. bookishowlette 09/01/2019 / 11:01 am

    The Dead Queens Club looks super interesting! And how could I forget about Finale!! When is it coming out?

  25. Niamh (@niamhkate) 09/01/2019 / 11:44 pm

    I’m so excited for Priory! Also, Descendent of the Crane and Romanov sound super intriguing so they’re definitely on my radar!

    • iloveheartlandx 10/01/2019 / 10:41 am

      Me too! Yes they sound great right, can’t wait to get to my e-ARCs for both of them.

  26. Michelle (@PinkPlkaDotBlog) 10/01/2019 / 4:45 am

    The Devouring Gray sounds really cool. I don’t read a lot of Fantasy, but that’s one that I would read!! Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 10/01/2019 / 10:41 am

      Thanks! The Devouring Gray is contemporary fantasy, not full on high fantasy so might be better for someone who isn’t all that keen on complicated high fantasy worlds.

  27. Kathy @ Books & Munches 10/01/2019 / 10:01 am

    Ooh! Bohemian Rhapsody! I loooooved the movie. I usually don’t buy dvd’s or blurays, but I’m definitely getting one this time, haha.

    As for the books.. I haven’t read anything by Samantha Shannon yet, but The Priory of the Orange Tree sounds SO GOOD. Hadn’t heard of Descendant of the Crane yet but it sounds intriguing.. Going to check that one out right now. 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 10/01/2019 / 10:40 am

      Yes me too-I already preordered the DVD before I saw it because I didn’t think I was actually going to get a chance to see it the cinema, but luckily I did and I really liked it, so I’m sure I’ll be watching it again! Ah you should definitely try the Bone Season series, it’s great. Ooh yay, glad to have helped you find something new.

      • Kathy @ Books & Munches 10/01/2019 / 10:46 am

        I’ve never preordered a DVD or bluray before but I’m thinking about it, haha. Although maybe I should give the BF a chance to surprise me with it or something. It’s not like I haven’t been throwing hints around ever since seeing it..
        I want to! We’ll see; maybe I’ll get my hands on a copy someday. 🙂

      • iloveheartlandx 12/01/2019 / 12:26 am

        Ha ha well hopefully he gets the hint!

  28. kath-reads 10/01/2019 / 8:54 pm

    Love your list. ♥ I’ll definitelly add The Dead Queen’s Club and Romanov on my tbr list.

  29. Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight 11/01/2019 / 2:26 am

    There are SO many good books coming out, my goodness. I am really excited for The Devouring Gray too, and Dead Queens Club and Descendant of the Crane are both on my TBR! I need to catch up in time for Finale, too, what have I been waiting for!? Great choices, I hope you end up loving them all!

    • iloveheartlandx 12/01/2019 / 12:24 am

      I know, we really are spoiled! Yay, all great choices (hopefully). I have no idea, but you still have plenty of time. Thank you, I hope so too!

  30. Lois 13/01/2019 / 9:58 pm

    Romanov sounds epic. I had no idea this book even existed until now so I’ll be adding that to my list!

    • iloveheartlandx 14/01/2019 / 7:32 pm

      Yay, I’m glad to have helped you find something new to read 🙂

  31. lindseyhabets 14/01/2019 / 7:22 pm

    Nikolai AND Nina, how can King of Scars be anything but completely epic! 🙂

  32. Annemieke 15/01/2019 / 12:22 pm

    I still have to read the second caraval book. Must stop putting it off haha. Great list!

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