Top Ten Tuesday #171


Hey guys! I was on such a YALC high last week, having just come back and written up all my wrap up posts, that I totally forgot to celebrate the fact that it was my 170th TTT-a pretty big milestone I think, so yay for that! This past week has been much quieter, I’ve just been back at work, but I’m going up to Scotland to watch the Men’s Team Final in Gymnastics at the European Championships in Glasgow this weekend, so I am unbelievably excited for that!

Anyway, since today is Tuesday, I have another Top Ten Tuesday for you all, courtesy of Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Today we’re talking Books We’d Like To Mash Together (so kind of like crossover fic I guess, book characters from different worlds we’d love to see interact) and I think this one could be kind of hard, because to be honest, I’ve never really thought about it, but I’m gonna give it a go:

  1. A Darker Shade of Magic/Throne of Glass-VE Schwab/Sarah J Maas

Whilst the worlds and the authors’ writing styles wouldn’t be perfect fits, the idea of their two feisty heroines meeting is too good of an opportunity to pass up. I would love to see if Lila and Aelin would be fast friends or instant enemies and it would be even more interesting to see Lila and Manon interact. I’d love to see Aelin strolling down the streets of Red London, enraptured by the magic and the shopping and I’d love to see Lila living it up on a wyvern in Erilea.

2. Percy Jackson/Skulduggery Pleasant-Rick Riordan/Derek Landy

Seriously, someone just needs to send a memo to these two letting them know that they need to write together ASAP, because a book co-written by the two of them would be the funniest thing ever. I’d love to see how Valkyrie would react if she was just dropped in the middle of Camp Half-Blood and I think the kids at Camp Half-Blood would find her very different sort of magic quite interesting. I’d love to see Percy and Skulduggery trade witticisms as well and see which one got on the others’ nerves first!

3. Harry Potter/Percy Jackson-JK Rowling/Rick Riordan

Yes, I know I’m using a repeat book series here, but I honestly think Percy Jackson and Harry Potter would be a really natural fit. I think it would be interesting to see how Annabeth and Hermione got on, given that they are quite similar in character, and I think the Camp Half-Blood kids would love Hogwarts!

4. Heist Society/Six of Crows-Ally Carter/Leigh Bardugo

Two very different worlds and very different heist books but I think it would be super interesting to see how these characters would interact, how Kat and co. would manage in Ketterdam given how different it is from the world they’re used to and how Kaz and co. would manage in the real world, especially Nina and Jesper since they wouldn’t be able to use their Grisha powers!

5. Artemis Fowl/HIVE-Eoin Colfer/Mark Walden

Artemis Fowl was pretty much tailor made for HIVE, being a young criminal himself so I think he would be right at home in the school for young villains. I also think it would be super cool to see how he and Otto would interact, given how similar they are and to see how Otto would feel about a world where fairies, centaurs, elves, dwarves and various other mythological creatures are real!

6. Breathe/Pure-Sarah Crossan/Julianna Baggott

The whole dome setting in Breathe was pretty similar to Julianna’s idea in Pure where the Pures all live separately inside a dome type area as well and I think it would be pretty interesting to see how the characters from each world would interact with the others, how would Bea, Alina and Quinn react to Pressia’s fusing? How would Pressia manage in a world where oxygen isn’t readily available-I mean her world is pretty desolate, but they don’t go around having to wear oxygen tanks!

7. A Darker Shade of Magic/The Bone Season-VE Schwab/Samantha Shannon

Honestly, I don’t know if this is because I saw these two authors on a panel together, or because I just love both their writing because their books are quite different and yet I can’t help but I think Paige’s dystopian London combined with Lila and Kell’s many Londons would be awesome. I feel like Paige would fit right in in Grey London since Paige’s London reads as quite Victorian-esque and I think she’d love the magic in Red London and getting to travel through worlds with Lila and Kell. I also think Lila would be fascinated by Paige’s clairvoyancy as it would be something she hadn’t come across before.

8. Divergent/The Hunger Games-Veronica Roth/Suzanne Collins

How interesting would it be to see two famous dystopians smashed together? I’d love to see how Tris would manage in The Hunger Games, I think she’d do quite well and I’d also love to see what faction Katniss would be sorted into if she was in Tris’s Chicago, I think probably Dauntless, but maybe Abnegation since sacrificing yourself for your sister is pretty selfless!

9. The Raven Cycle/The Bone Season-Maggie Stiefvater/Samantha Shannon

Very different worlds in terms of story and scope, but both have a huge element of clairvoyancy in them, albeit of different types, so it would be quite interesting to see how Paige would react to Blue’s family’s very different type of voyancy! I also think Ronan and Paige would have a lot to talk about given that both of their powers involve dreams. I don’t know how well the Gangsey would get on in Scion, but I think Paige would love to have a break from Scion and spend her time looking for dead Welsh kings instead!

10. The Night Circus/The Crown’s Game-Erin Morgenstern/Evelyn Skye

The premise behind these two books are kind of similar: a magical duel, both set in the past, though in different countries and eras and the two male main characters share quite a lot of similarities, both adopted, both wear top hats, both gentleman. I think it would be interesting to see how Celia and Marco would react to Imperial Russia and if they were there, would they be put in for the The Crown’s Game? Or would they just watch and marvel at what Vika and Nikolai can do? I’d love to see Nikolai and Marco meet because I think they’re quite similar. As for Vika and Celia? Less similarities but I think they’d get on well. I also think that Vika and Nikolai would love The Night Circus and would probably have ideas of new things to add with their own enchantments!

So there we go, Books I’d Mash Together! That was a tough one and I think I was making quite thin and tenuous connections by the end, but hey, I got ten and I would totally read any of these mashups (hint hint authors, hint hint). Have you read any of the books I mentioned? Do you think my mashups would be good? What books would you mash together? Let me know in the comments!

Next week’s topic is Favourite Book Blogs/Bookish Websites, so I’ll have to have a look through my bookmarks and see which blogs I enjoy visiting often! In the meantime, I don’t really have much planned for the blog this week, given I’m going to be very busy at work, but you should see my review of Fawkes sometime soon, maybe at the end of this week/beginning of next? Anyway, either way, I’ll be back with new content soon!

28 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #171

  1. bettybookreviews 07/08/2018 / 10:06 am

    Darker Shade and Throne of glass would be incredible together!! I think a lot of the characters would have really interesting relationships, same for Tris and Katniss, I wonder if they would get along? Lovely post! Xx

    • iloveheartlandx 08/08/2018 / 11:45 pm

      They would be! Oh for sure, especially Lila and Aelin, they have such strong personalities, it would be interesting to see if they’d get along or rip each other’s throats out. I don’t know, Katniss and Tris are quite different in some respects, but they both really care about their families and I think they’d bond over that. Thank you đŸ™‚

  2. CG @ Paper Fury 07/08/2018 / 10:57 am

    I could totally see Rick Riordan and Derek Landy working together! They definitely have a similar style/sense of humour which is amazingly hilarious!

    • iloveheartlandx 08/08/2018 / 11:44 pm

      Yes, their senses of humour would mesh so well, I seriously need this to be a thing!

  3. Astilbe Reviews 07/08/2018 / 2:49 pm

    Yes, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter would get along very well, I think.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. kaseygiard 07/08/2018 / 3:30 pm

    Very cool post. I’d totally read some of these combos!

  5. Destiny @ Howling Libraries 07/08/2018 / 5:22 pm

    Oooh, what fun mash-ups! I also think HP and PJ would get along great – I would love to see them go on an adventure together!

  6. Rissi 07/08/2018 / 5:36 pm

    I like your heist book crossover. I haven’t read either one, but am excited to read both! I read “All Fall Down” by Ally, and enjoyed it, so now I’m read to discover more of her books. And Leigh’s books sound epic!! đŸ™‚

    • iloveheartlandx 08/08/2018 / 11:41 pm

      Thanks! Oh both are great, I’m sure you’ll love them. I actually haven’t read that one yet, hopefully soon though. Yes, Leigh’s books are epic-I read Six of Crows last year and have been steaming through the rest of her books this year!

  7. kozbisa 07/08/2018 / 11:10 pm

    ADSoM + ToG would be sort of amazing.

    • iloveheartlandx 08/08/2018 / 11:39 pm

      I mean it was definitely one of my more out there combos, but I think it’s just weird enough to work!

    • iloveheartlandx 08/08/2018 / 11:39 pm

      Oh 100% it needs to be a thing-though the world might not survive that much awesomeness in one book!

  8. Greg Hill 08/08/2018 / 4:40 am

    I thought the Divergent Games was a good idea- that would be such a fun mash up!

  9. Annemieke 14/08/2018 / 5:55 pm

    Mixing ADSOM and The Bone Season would be pretty interesting..hmm.

  10. Cam @ Camillea Reads 20/08/2018 / 10:23 am

    I don’t see many people mention Artemis Fowl! That series was such a childhood fave which I’m planning to re-visit some time soon haha

    • iloveheartlandx 21/08/2018 / 9:53 am

      Yeah I think it slips under the radar a lot because it’s a kids book and most book bloggers are talking about YA. I know it was a childhood fave for me too-if I had them all I would totally reread, alas, I borrowed most from the library!

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