Top Ten Tuesday #125


Hi all! I hope you’ve all had a good week since I last did one of these, mine went from lovely with my birthday and everything last week to pretty sucky because right after, I managed to catch Fresher’s Flu and have been feeling lousy ever since, so yay for me (not). Still, Tuesday means I have another Top Ten Tuesday from the lovely ladies over at The Broke and The Bookish to cheer me up, so at least that’s something! This week we’re talking about our Autumn TBRs, otherwise known as the books I will try and most likely fail to read all of in the next three months. I actually did read 8 out of 10 of the books on my Summer TBR, so I’m feeling pretty good about that, it was an up on my Spring TBR anyway! These are the books I’m hoping to read this Autumn (I am British after all, we don’t call it Fall!), though I doubt I’ll read all of them, I’ll be happy if I manage the same as I did for my Summer TBR:

  1. And I Darken-Kiersten White

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve only read like 70 pages of this in the week I’ve been reading it, I’m not really that invested yet and because I’ve been feeling so lousy with my cold recently, I haven’t really been in the mood to read that much. I’m hoping that once I feel better I will get more into it because I love the concept of this one!

2. Tower of Dawn-Sarah J Maas

It wouldn’t be Autumn without a new Sarah J Maas book to read! I’m very excited for this one once I’ve finished And I Darken, I’ve heard really good things.

3. Charlotte Says-Alex Bell

I’m currently reading the prequel to Frozen Charlotte, but again, I think it’s kind of fallen victim to my current feelings of lousiness as I’ve been dipping in and out quite a lot recently. I’m hoping to have this one finished by the end of the month though!

4. Scythe-Neal Shusterman

If I have time, and I hope I will, this will be a great one to read for October and I’ve been dying to read it for ages anyway, so I’m hoping that I will get time to read it as I love Neal Shusterman’s books and I haven’t read one in a while!

5. The Girl From Everywhere-Heidi Heilig

I’ve heard such great things about this one and it seems like a very Jo book, I mean you have history, and time travel and ships and it just sounds freakin’ amazing, so I’m very excited to finally dive into it.

6. Daughter of The Burning City-Amanda Foody

I got this book at YALC and it just sounds so amazing, I love the whole idea of a circus and illusions and magic and everything, so I can’t wait to dive into this one this Autumn!

7. Three Dark Crowns-Kendare Blake

Something about this book just screams Autumn to me, so I’m hoping to finally read it in the next three months.

8. The Graces-Laure Eve

I don’t know if I’ll actually get to this or not, but this seems like another great one to have in the bank for Halloween.

9. Afterworlds-Scott Westerfeld

This is one of my #RockMyTBR books and I’ve been intrigued by it for ages, so I’m hoping to finally get it read this Autumn!

10. Because You Love To Hate Me-Various

This anthology of villain stories seems like the perfect October read!

I’m going to stick to just 10 this week as I’m never very good at sticking to TBRs and I find that my reading mood changes a lot when I’m at Uni, so I might not been in the mood for all the books I’ve listed here! Do you have any of these on your Autumn TBR? Have you read any of these? What did you think? Let me know in the comments!

I will be back next week, with another Top Ten Tuesday, which is a freebie, Ten Books Which Feature Characters…… (fill in the blank). I’m not sure exactly what I’m going to put in the gap right now, so you’ll have to come back next week and see what I decided! In the meantime, I should have my new Quarterly Rewind post up on Saturday, so make sure you check that out, if you want to know what I’ve been up to the past three months!


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