Top Ten Tuesday #22


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie post, which comes with the fun of choosing your own topic, but it’s a double edged sword because you actually have to think of a topic! For this week’s topic, I’m going to do Top Ten Books I Read Before I Was A Blogger, as I only started blogging just over a year and a half ago, there are lots of great books that I read before I started blogging and I would love to share some of them with all of you today. So here we go, these are the top ten books that I read before I became a blogger:

  1. My Sister’s Keeper-Jodi Picoult-This is one of my all time favourite books, it was the first book that I read by Jodi Picoult and I completely fell in love with the story and with her writing and I’ve reread it about a million times since the first time I read it and I still love it just as much.
  2. Noughts and Crosses-Malorie Blackman-This book (and series) is so good and the story is such a powerful and important one.
  3. The Storyteller-Jodi Picoult-Oh my goodness, this book! The middle section will break your heart into a thousand little pieces, I guarantee it, but it’s so worth it because it’s such a beautiful book!
  4. The Harry Potter Series-JK Rowling-There is no way I couldn’t include these books on my list, they’re one of my all time favourite book series!
  5. Percy Jackson and The Olympian Series-Rick Riordan-Basically, ditto above, this is one of my favourite book series and Percy Jackson is one of my all time favourite male protagonists.
  6. The Pact-Jodi Picoult-One of my favourite Jodi Picoult books, although let’s be honest, I can say that about most of her books, but I did get this one signed (along with My Sister’s Keeper, Plain Truth and Nineteen Minutes).
  7. The Book Thief-Markus Zusak-Beautiful story, but guaranteed to make you bawl like a baby (I don’t really cry at books but I came awfully close with this one!).
  8. Nineteen Minutes-Jodi Picoult-A really interesting take on a school shooting, this is also one of my favourite Jodi Picoult books.
  9. Blind Beauty-KM Peyton-It’s a beautiful story of an outcast girl and the horse she loved as a child, fighting against the odds to win the biggest horse race of all.
  10. Plain Truth-Jodi Picoult-Such a great story, I loved learning about the Amish culture.
  11. Black Beauty-Anna Sewell-The only classic book that I’ve ever really loved, it’s the quintessential horse story.
  12. Thirteen Reasons Why-Jay Asher-It’s such a powerful, amazing story and I think a really important book to read if you’re a teenager, it shows how the little things we do can really affect someone more than you may think.
  13. The Truth About Celia Frost-Paula Rawsthorne-Such an intriguing mystery story, I was completely hooked on this book and could not read it fast enough, I could not wait to find out what was really going on with Celia.

So there we go, that’s my list for this week. What did you guys choose for your topics? Have you read any of the books on my list? Let me know in the comments!

I will be back with another Top Ten Tuesday next week, which will be my top ten books on my fall TBR. In the meantime however, I will be back tomorrow with a new Wishlist Wednesday post, so make sure to check that out.


81 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #22

  1. Marwhal 15/09/2015 / 1:30 pm

    Jodi Picoult! She was one of the authors that first got me into reading adult books. My Sister’s Keeper and Plain Truth were my favorites!

    • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2015 / 1:32 pm

      Me too! My Sister’s Keeper and Plain Truth are among my favourites of her books as well.

  2. Literary Feline 15/09/2015 / 5:29 pm

    I really love the Harry Potter books too. πŸ™‚ Oh, and yes, The Book Thief! Such an amazing book. I love your topic for today. It’s always fun to revisit what other readers have read in the past–and to be reminded of old books I’ve read too.

    • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2015 / 5:43 pm

      How can anyone not?! Yes it is really great (why are the books that make you sad always the best?). Thanks!

  3. spidersilksnowflakes 15/09/2015 / 8:51 pm

    My Sister’s Keeper was my first Jodi Picoult book too! My favorite book of hers that I’ve read is Nineteen Minutes.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Book Thief. It’s the one book that never fails to make me cry, every time I read it. It’s one of my favorites!

    – Kritika @ Snowflakes & Spider silk

    • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2015 / 8:59 pm

      I love Nineteen Minutes too, but as my first book of hers My Sister’s Keeper has a special place in my heart! Oh me too! It’s such a beautiful book. Definitely one of my favourites too.

  4. Carrie 15/09/2015 / 9:13 pm

    ah what a great idea for a topic! I need to read more Jodi Picoult My TTT

  5. library4delinquents 15/09/2015 / 10:26 pm

    I’m not much of a cryer either but The Book Thief broke me too! Nice idea to remember books before blogging πŸ™‚

    • iloveheartlandx 15/09/2015 / 10:28 pm

      Yeah, I reckon it’s pretty impossible not to cry at that one! Thanks!

  6. Emma @ Emma Likes Books 16/09/2015 / 12:20 am

    Great topic choice! I still have to get around to reading/finishing the Harry Potter series, and also the Percy Jackson series.

  7. Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense 16/09/2015 / 12:35 am

    There are so many amazing books I read before I started blogging. I really want to reread them and review them for the blog too. The Book Thief was so moving, I need to reread that one soon.

    • iloveheartlandx 16/09/2015 / 10:13 am

      Yeah me too! I may reread and review some of these for the blog at some point in the future, though I have so many new books to read, I don’t really have time to reread at the moment!

  8. Ellie 16/09/2015 / 1:11 am

    I only started blogging about eight months ago, so most of the books I’ve read were pre-blogging for me . . .

    YES TO PERCY JACKSON AND HARRY POTTER AND THE BOOK THIEF. All three of those are among my favorites. (All three are also ones I need to reread. Preferably very soon.) And I remember loving Black Beauty when I was nine or ten–I’d been riding for a few years at that point and basically just wanted to read all the horse books I possibly could. (Strangely, I’ve drifted away from horse books since then, even though I’m starting to feel like I spend my life at the barn . . .)

    Thanks for stopping by @ Spellbound!

    • iloveheartlandx 16/09/2015 / 7:32 am

      Oh yeah me too, I mean I started blogging over a year and a half ago, but in the span of my reading life, that’s quite a short time! Yeah those three are all among my favourites too! I’ve always been horse crazy, so naturally Black Beauty has never lost it’s appeal!

  9. Annie Hawthorne 16/09/2015 / 11:41 am

    BLACK BEAUTY. I grew up reading that and it still brings tears to my eyes even now as an adult. ^_^

    One of these days I’ll actually read the Percy Jackson books. And you already know I’m planning to pick up The Book Thief. πŸ™‚

    • iloveheartlandx 16/09/2015 / 11:45 am

      Yeah it’s such a beautiful story. You definitely should they’re great!

  10. aentee @ read at midnight 16/09/2015 / 12:28 pm

    This is a great topic! I would have had such a hard time coming up with this list, I was a very sporadic reader prior to my blogging days! I also need to check out those Percy Jackson books!

    • iloveheartlandx 16/09/2015 / 3:50 pm

      Thanks! Really? I found it hard for the other reason, I’ve read so many great books that it’s hard to narrow it down. Yes, definitely check out the Percy Jackson books!

  11. coloursaur 16/09/2015 / 10:27 pm

    I’m glad to see someone else loving Jodi Picoult – I read so many of her novels before starting book blogging! My favourites are probably ‘Sing You Home’ and ‘Picture Perfect’, but there are quite a few I haven’t managed to get round to next. Great idea for a list!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 9:34 am

      Yes, I absolutely love her and I read a lot of her novels before I started blogging too. I love both of those books though My Sister’s Keeper and The Pact are my personal favourites. There are a few that I haven’t got around to yet either. Thanks!

  12. Paula, The Geeky Shopaholic 16/09/2015 / 11:41 pm

    I just bought The Storyteller! It will be the third book I’ve read by Jodi Picoult. The others are Leaving Time and Between the Lines. She is amazing!

  13. Kaylee (@1wellreadchick) 17/09/2015 / 1:43 am

    I really love Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. The Book Thief and Thirteen Reasons Why Have Been on my to-read list for ages and I can’t wait to read them there are just so many good books out there. Love your list.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 9:31 am

      Me too! Yeah, they are both great, but believe me I totally understand, there are so many great books on my to read list that have been there for ages, that I haven’t got around to because I’ve been reading other great books! Thanks!

  14. Connie 17/09/2015 / 2:32 am

    Great idea for a topic! Your list made me think of all the books I read before I started blogging. I’m probably the only person who never read Percy Jackson but I absolutely love Harry Potter!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 9:30 am

      Thanks! Really? You haven’t read Percy Jackson? Yes, Harry Potter is awesome!

      • Connie 19/09/2015 / 5:36 am

        Nope haven’t read Percy Jackson but I am keen on reading the first book at least!

  15. bookstogetlostin 17/09/2015 / 11:28 am

    I have only read the HP and the Percy Jackson series out of your list. I have to check out the other books, maybe I’ll find some to put on my tbr.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 11:29 am

      Both great series! I’m sure you will, all of these are great books.

  16. Silke 17/09/2015 / 12:23 pm

    19 minutes has been on my kindle for over a year now. I should really read it.
    Harry Potter en Percy Jackon are indeed wonderful!

  17. typewriterink 17/09/2015 / 3:35 pm

    The only series on this I’ve read are Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, but I loved both of them. This was an interesting TTT idea…I like it! I might steal it next freebie day πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for stopping by Writing on a Vintage Typewriter!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 3:42 pm

      Me too, they’re two of my favourite series! Thanks, it was one of the archived TTT topics on The Broke and The Bookish, I thought it sounded cool, so I used it. No problem!

  18. Rosalee 17/09/2015 / 3:58 pm

    What an interesting list. I’ve never read any Jodi Piccoult but she’s definitely an author I’ve been meaning to check out – everyone seems to love her books!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 4:00 pm

      Thanks! Yeah, her books are brilliant, you should definitely check them out.

  19. Lois 17/09/2015 / 5:44 pm

    I remember reading Noughts & Crosses when I was about 14 years old and I have never been so moved. That book had such a powerful impact on me I just couldn’t bring myself to read the rest of the series. The Book Thief is also one of my all time favourite books. Great list.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 5:49 pm

      The rest of the series is good, but the first one can just as easily be read as a stand alone. Noughts and Crosses is definitely one of the most beautiful, moving books I’ve ever read. Yeah The Book Thief is one of mine too. Thank you!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 6:36 pm

      Thanks! Yeah, there are definitely some books that I read before blogging that I wish I could have written reviews for, but I figure I will have just as many amazing books to write reviews for now that I have started blogging.

  20. Alicia 17/09/2015 / 7:38 pm

    I love the topic and as soon as I saw it I knew Harry Potter would be on there.
    Great list πŸ™‚

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 7:40 pm

      What can I say? I’m nothing if not loyal to my favourite books! Thanks!

  21. awesomebooknut 17/09/2015 / 7:57 pm

    I love the wide variety that you’ve got here! and it looks like you have GREAT taste in books! πŸ˜€

  22. anovelglimpse 17/09/2015 / 8:19 pm

    I have Thirteen Reasons Why. I haven’t read it yet. Guess I should bump it up on the TBR list!

  23. The book Thief is awesome! πŸ˜€ Have you read Zusak’s other book, I am the Messenger? It’s totally different but it’s also really great! πŸ˜€

    • iloveheartlandx 17/09/2015 / 8:51 pm

      Yes it is! No, I haven’t read it, it’s on my TBR, I just haven’t got around to it yet.

  24. The Girl in Boots 18/09/2015 / 8:20 am

    The Book has been on my TBR for so long. I love the movie. Great list! πŸ™‚

    • iloveheartlandx 18/09/2015 / 9:25 am

      Thanks! You should definitely read the book, it’s amazing.

  25. Jess @ Curiouser and Curiouser 18/09/2015 / 8:55 am

    Great topic choice! I read Harry Potter, Noughts & Crosses and The Book Thief before I started blogging, too, and I love them all. πŸ™‚

  26. LauraJane 18/09/2015 / 9:25 am

    Great list! I love Thirteen Reasons Why, The Book Thief and of course Harry Potter (I’m re reading the second book now!) and I agree I have a lot of books I read before I became a blogger but I wouldn’t be able to review them now because it’s been too long! Love your idea for this top ten!

    • iloveheartlandx 18/09/2015 / 9:33 am

      Thanks! Yeah me too. Oh neither would I, it’s been way too long since I read all of these.

      • LauraJane 18/09/2015 / 9:34 am

        Yeah, I mean it’s not like I can’t remember anything about what I read but I just can’t remember the details of how I felt as much as I would if I had just read it πŸ™‚ it makes me sad that I don’t have a review of The 5th Wave on my blog 😦

      • iloveheartlandx 18/09/2015 / 9:41 am

        Yeah I completely agree, but I definitely wish I did have reviews of some of these books on my blog.

  27. Lucie @ Tea Books and Fun 18/09/2015 / 3:15 pm

    Wow, you read a lot of Jodi Picoult’s books, I only read Off the Page, haha. Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are both fantastic! Thanks for visiting my blog πŸ™‚

    • iloveheartlandx 18/09/2015 / 4:02 pm

      Yeah, she’s one of my favourite authors! I completely agree, they are! No problem.

  28. Bogdana Matano 18/09/2015 / 3:36 pm

    Great list! I really liked the topic you chose for freebie Tuesday. I started my blog about 7 months ago and there are so many amazing book i’ve read prior to starting to blog. You should try to do it as a tag, if you like doing them. I bet there’s tons of bloggers that would love writing on this topic. πŸ™‚

  29. Alice Rose Simmons 19/09/2015 / 12:59 pm

    I also loved both Noughts and Crosses and The Book Thief, even if it did cause me to bawl! Great lists with some great books and thanks for checking out my blog πŸ™‚

  30. Nattie 19/09/2015 / 5:25 pm

    I’ve read many of these before I became a book blogger too! The Book Thief was actually the first book I ever reviewed on my blog C: I read both the HP and PJO series before I started too! I really wish I hadn’t read some of the books I did before I started because I would love to review them but I guess that’s just an easy excuse to re-read them haha C:

    • iloveheartlandx 19/09/2015 / 11:09 pm

      So do I, but you’re right, good excuse to reread some old favourites!

  31. shannonmiz 20/09/2015 / 1:53 am

    I cannot believe that I haven’t read ANY of these! Such a fail 😦 I HAVE to read The Book Thief though, and Thirteen Reasons Why. Actually, I guess technically I read ONE Harry Potter. I still fail though πŸ˜‰ Great list!

    • iloveheartlandx 20/09/2015 / 9:16 am

      Thanks! I hope you get around to reading some of them one day.

  32. bookwormgirls123 20/09/2015 / 8:02 pm

    Great list! I was really surprised to see that I didn’t recognize that many, but of course I loved the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series, as well as The Book Thief (IT WAS SO SAD)! I’m also interested in 13 Reasons Why, but I’m a little tentative because it’s a suicide book.

    • iloveheartlandx 20/09/2015 / 11:16 pm

      Thanks! Some of them are older books, so I understand not recognizing them. Yeah, I loved all of those too! It’s a beautiful book, you should definitely read it.

      • bookwormgirls123 21/09/2015 / 12:41 am

        Okay. I borrowed a copy from a friend and she keeps asking when she’s getting it back, haha! I will definitely pick it up soon. πŸ™‚

  33. kayceek 21/09/2015 / 4:53 am

    This was such a great idea for a topic! I love it. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  34. Julianne 21/09/2015 / 10:39 pm

    Great list! I remember doing this one a while back myself.

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