Top Ten Tuesday #402

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good week since I last did one of these. It was my first day back of work on Monday after Christmas and I have to admit it was a bit of a shock to the system, I was worried I wouldn’t really remember much having had an extended break after just starting a new job, but it actually went much better than I thought it would so I was quite relieved by that!

Anyway today’s TTT is as always courtesy of Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl and it’s another of my annual favourites, Most Anticipated Releases For The First Half of 2023. I always used to think it was the latter half of the year that was bigger in terms of new releases, but for the past couple of years, my list for the first half has been longer. I don’t know if that’s a change in trend in terms of when publishing releases their big books, or just a change in my reading habits meaning I’m excited for different authors who have release dates earlier in the year. Maybe a mix of both? Anyway, these are the books I’m most excited for coming out in January-June this year (as always, these are in release date order, so the numbering is no indicator for level of excitement):

  1. Hell Bent-Leigh Bardugo-Releases TODAY

Cover Designer & Artist: Keith Hayes and Sasha Vinogradova

Is it a bit of a cheat including this book when it came out today? Maybe! But I’m doing it anyway. I’ll admit Ninth House wasn’t my favourite Leigh Bardugo book but it ended in a really exciting place…..and then of course we’ve had to wait a long time to find out what happens next, so I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what this instalment has in store and I think now that we’ve got past all of the setup that needed to happen in the first book, this second book should hopefully be smoother sailing.

2. The Book Spy-Alan Hlad-Releases 24th January

Cover Designer: Kensington

I will admit that the synopsis of this book sounds incredibly similar to Madeline Martin’s The Librarian Spy which I read last year. However, since I did really enjoy that book, I’m intrigued to read something else with a setting in Portugal during WWII and learn even more about that country’s role in the war. Alan Hlad is a new to me author, so I’m hoping I’ll enjoy this and find a new historical fiction author’s books to enjoy.

3. The Luminaries-Susan Dennard-Releases 26th January

Cover Designer: Micaela Alcaino

The eagle eyed among you might have noticed that The Luminaries was on my second half of the year release list last year. Yes, that was my mistake, I didn’t realise that the UK edition of The Luminaries (even the audiobook) did not release until this month. But if anything I’m even more excited for The Luminaries now after playing along with Susan Dennard’s latest Luminaries Sooz Your Own Adventure for the past couple of months. Much as I enjoy the Witchlands series, it is incredibly complicated and this series seems like it will be both fun and easier for me to follow! I’m sure Winnie in the books has a little more sense than HiveMind Winnie though!

4. The Last Tale of The Flower Bride-Roshani Chokshi-Releases 14th February

Cover Designer: Will Speed

This is Chokshi’s adult debut (though I would argue The Gilded Wolves trilogy is kind of YA/Adult Crossover as the characters are in their late teens/early twenties), and I’m really excited to see what she does in this space. It definitely sounds like a super intriguing book, a dark and twisted fairytale type story about a marriage and the secrets that threaten to consume it. The excerpts Chokshi has posted so far have been really great, so I’m excited to get to consume the whole story.

5. The War Pianist-Mandy Robotham-Releases 16th February

Cover Designer: Avon

I know WWII fiction is a saturated market, but I swear these stories are like catnip to me! Every time I think there can’t possibly be anything new to cover about that time period, another author releases another book about an aspect of the war I knew nothing about. This one is about two women who work as radio operators in WWII, one in London and one in Amsterdam for the Dutch Resistance and the way their lives intertwine. I have to admit, I know basically nothing about the Dutch Resistance, or much about what happened in Amsterdam during the war, so I’m excited to read this and learn a bit more.

6. The Librarian of Burned Books-Brianna Labuskes-Releases 21st February

Cover Designer: William Morrow & Company

I do seem to have found much success in the genre niche of WWII fiction about books, so when I saw this one, it immediately went on my list. It sounds brilliant, it follows three women in different places and across different time periods (both pre and during WWII) who are all connected via a love of books and shows how they ban together to fight against censorship. I’m particularly intrigued by the German Library of Burned Books in Paris which one of the characters works at, as I had no idea that was a thing! Everything about this book makes it sound right up my alley so I’m excited to dive in when it comes out.

7. The Woman With The Cure-Lynn Cullen-Releases 21st February

Cover Designer: Berkley Books

I saw this one on someone’s blog in our TTT last week actually! I can’t believe I’d never heard of Dorothy Horstmann and the work she did and though I don’t want to read anything about Covid, I think a historical fiction novel about the development of the polio vaccine sounds incredibly intriguing. I always love books that shine a light on women’s contributions in any field, so I’m excited to read this and learn more about Dorothy Horstmann’s work.

8. City of Nightmares-Rebecca Schaeffer-Releases 23rd February

Cover Designer: Lydia Blagden, Illustrator: @Afterblossomart

This actually releases today in the US, but won’t be out here in the UK until next month. I really enjoyed Rebecca Schaeffer’s Not Even Bones (and still need to finish the other two books in that trilogy actually!) so when I saw her new book, I was naturally intrigued. It sounds like a lot of fun, a world where dreaming means you wake up as your worst nightmare? Brilliant. I will admit, slightly apprehensive about the man-eating spider part, but I love that it doesn’t sound like any other fantasy book I’ve read: I think part of why I’ve been less drawn to fantasy in recent years is because so much of what I was reading felt indistinguishable from each other, so it’s great to read a fantasy book blurb and feel: YES, this doesn’t remind me of every other YA fantasy out there.

9. A Day of Fallen Night-Samantha Shannon-Releases 28th February

Cover Designer: David Mann, Illustrator: Ivan Belikov

The Roots of Chaos books seriously have the most gorgeous covers ever. Like I already know I’ll be reading this as an audiobook because it just won’t be practical to carry around at that size, but you best believe I got a ticket for Samantha Shannon’s London tour stop with the book included because it’s just too beautiful not to be part of my collection. Anyway, I enjoyed Priory, so I’m really looking forward to the prequel and seeing the Grief of Ages which impacted so many of the events in The Priory of The Orange Tree. I also love how much these books unapologetically centre women and I can’t wait to meet Tunuva, Dumai and Glorian.

10. The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi-Shannon Chakraborty-Releases 2nd March

Cover Designer: Micaela Alcaino

The cover of this book is just stunning! I loved the Daevabad trilogy, and I’m so excited to see what Shannon Chakraborty has done now outside of that world. This book sounds so completely up my street as well, I love pirates, especially female ones and Amina Al-Sirafi sounds like my kind of woman, a pirate who has had an infamous career is ready to retire…..only to get pulled back in with a job she can’t refuse. It sounds like all kind of hijinks are likely to ensue in this book and I cannot wait for them.

11. The Sinister Booksellers of Bath-Garth Nix-Releases 23rd March

Cover Designer: Rachael Lancaster

I had my issues with The Left-Handed Booksellers of London, but I did love the concept for the book and the world that Nix created so I’m excited to dive back into that world and hopeful that the sequel may have ironed on some of the kinks from the first book. I’m excited for the new setting as well, I’ve only been to Bath once but it’s a lovely city and I look forward to seeing what kind of magical twist Nix will put on it.

12. Hell Breaks Loose-Derek Landy-Releases 30th March

Cover Designer: Matt Taylor

WE HAVE A SKULDUGGERY PREQUEL PEOPLE. Admittedly, I’ve still yet to actually finish the main series, I’ve still got the last two books of Phase 2 to read (and I still don’t trust Derek that this really is the end….), but I’m massively excited for this prequel, we get to see all of the Dead Men together again, it’s set in 18th Century Italy and in order to save the world, they have to save….Mevolent? It definitely seems intriguing and I’m excited to see Skulduggery back in the days before he met Valkyrie.

13. Homecoming-Kate Morton-Releases 13th April

Cover Designer: Mantle

After having been to Australia, I was really excited to see that this book was also set in Australia (though a different part to where I was). It sounds really great, a journalist who comes home after being laid off from her job and gets embroiled in researching this sixty year old cold murder case from 1959. It sounds like just the kind of twisty, suspenseful novel that I love reading, so I’m excited to dive in come April.

14. Mastering The Art of French Murder-Colleen Cambridge-Releases 25th April

Cover Designer: Kensington

I saw this book featured on someone’s TTT a while back and was immediately drawn in by the title, I mean, who wouldn’t want to read that? It sounds like a lot of fun, Tabitha, a fictional best friend of Julia Child moves to Paris from America in the post-war era and ends up mixed up in a murder investigation after a body is found in the cellar of Julia’s building….killed by a knife from Julia’s kitchen and with a note in Tabitha’s handwriting in the pocket. A post WWII setting and a murder mystery? What more could I want?

15. Death of A Bookseller-Alice Slater-Releases 27th April

Cover Designer: Lewis Csizmazia

I actually came across this one by accident whilst I was browsing for books to get in the Waterstones Double Stamps offer back in November and was just immediately pulled in by it. A true crime obsessed bookseller who becomes dangerously obsessed with her new colleague and I’m guessing some sort of murder happens? From the description, I’m kind of getting “You” vibes, so I wonder if Roach is Joe Goldberg level of twisted!

So there we go, my most anticipated releases for the first half of 2023! It’s an interesting mix this year of fantasy, historical fiction and mystery and I think the fact that it’s a bit more of a variety of genres than I’ve had in previous years just shows how my reading tastes have changed in the past few years. Do we share any of these? What books are you excited for that are coming out in the first half of 2023? Let me know in the comments!

I’ll be back next week with another Top Ten Tuesday, and we’ll be talking about our Bookish Goals For 2023, which is always a fun one to do.

95 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #402

  1. Rachael 11/01/2023 / 2:30 am

    There are a bunch of books coming out this year that have reminded me that I need to read other things from some of these authors. I still need to read City of Brass and The Left Handed Booksellers of London.

  2. Rissi 11/01/2023 / 3:52 am

    You have some really big author names on your list! I don’t know anything about her books or the one you features, but Lynn Cullen’s cover art is really eye-catching. Love it. Hope you enjoy ALL of these 2023 reads and have a great year of reading, too. Thanks so much for visiting my website this week.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 12:01 pm

      It seems it is the year for big releases from big name authors! I’ve actually never read anything of hers either, I was just attracted by the synopsis for The Woman With The Cure, and you’re right, the cover is really pretty. Thank you!

  3. WendyW 11/01/2023 / 4:06 am

    All these look great! I hope you enjoy all of them

  4. Katie Harder-Schauer 11/01/2023 / 5:04 am

    I read The City of Nightmares, and I have The Sinister Booksellers of Bath on my device to read later. Have a wonderful week.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 12:02 pm

      Thank you! I hope you enjoyed The City of Nightmares, and that you enjoy The Sinister Booksellers of Bath too 🙂

  5. Ellie Warren 11/01/2023 / 10:56 am

    I’m eagerly awaiting Hell Bent today, I was a bit worried ordering from Waterstones after last year but they seemed to have sorted themselves out! I also want to read Death of a Bookseller.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 12:03 pm

      Yes, I think they managed to get the ordering system under control towards the end of last year as I ordered from them in November and the order arrived promptly. I’m glad they seem to have sorted it all out! I hope you enjoy both Hell Bent, and Death of A Bookseller when it comes in April.

  6. Louise 11/01/2023 / 1:28 pm

    The Last Tale of The Flower Bride sounds really interesting

  7. girlplusbooks 11/01/2023 / 1:35 pm

    I’ve seen Hell Bent on several lists. I hope you enjoy it!

  8. Susan 11/01/2023 / 2:07 pm

    HOMECOMING and THE WOMAN WITH THE CURE are both on my list this week. I love a good historical novel! The bookish ones on your list are new to me, so I’m definitely going to take a closer look at them. I hope you enjoy all these.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  9. Leslie 11/01/2023 / 2:40 pm

    The Women With the Cure has been on so many lists today! I hope you enjoy all of these! 🙂

  10. Danielle Grandinetti 11/01/2023 / 4:25 pm

    The bookish ones and the pianist one look fascinating! I hope you enjoy them all!

  11. Cindy Davis 11/01/2023 / 8:45 pm

    I agree with Danielle, the bookish ones and the piano one caught my eye as well. I hope you enjoy all of these when you get a chance to read them.

  12. Carla 11/01/2023 / 9:28 pm

    Some great choices and interesting books here. I know my TBR mountain is going to grow today as there are several I was not aware of, but I am now.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:59 am

      Thank you! Ha ha my TBR mountain also grew a lot in the past week from these lists, so you are not alone 🙂

  13. hopewellslibraryoflife 11/01/2023 / 11:06 pm

    Several of these interest me, but I’ll wait for your reviews. Nice work! Thanks for reading at my blog and enjoy the new job.

  14. Holliehocks 12/01/2023 / 2:20 am

    This is the first I’ve seen City of Nightmares. I love the cover and it actually sounds so good. I’m definitely adding that to my TBR! I hope you enjoy all of these!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:58 am

      Ah yay, so glad to have helped you find something new for your TBR! Thank you 🙂

  15. the bookworm 12/01/2023 / 3:47 am

    Great list! I have my eye on Death of a Bookseller too. Coming back to work after time off is always a shock to the system lol. Happy reading!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:58 am

      Thanks! Yeah it is, especially when you’ve just started a new job!

  16. thebookishlibra 12/01/2023 / 12:09 pm

    I didn’t put it on my list, mainly because I need to go back and re-read the first book, but I’m very excited for Hell Bent. It was my January Book of the Month pick and I can’t wait for it to get here.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:57 am

      I hope you enjoy it when you do read it! I will probably just read a recap of Ninth House before I read Hell Bent to be honest, I never have time for full rereads of books these days.

  17. Lillian @ Mom With a Reading Problem 12/01/2023 / 4:03 pm

    So many good books here! I didn’t realize Chokshi had a new one coming out. Adding it my TBR. ☺️

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:56 am

      Thank you! Ah yay, glad to have helped you find something new for your TBR 🙂

  18. deanne01 12/01/2023 / 5:38 pm

    I am loving your selections here. I have some of these to read as well. I hope you enjoy them all.

  19. Tammy 12/01/2023 / 5:59 pm

    Oh wow, a new Kate Morton book? I didn’t even know about it. Thank you for putting it on my radar!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:56 am

      No problem! I’ve actually not read anything by her before, but the fact that so many people seem to be really excited about her books has made me even more excited to try something of hers.

  20. wordsofmystery 12/01/2023 / 6:30 pm

    Though most is these titles are not within the genres I usually read, they all sound interesting!

  21. anovelglimpse 12/01/2023 / 7:03 pm

    It looks like you have some great reads coming up. I hope you love them all!

  22. Literary Feline 12/01/2023 / 9:26 pm

    These all sound so good! I wouldn’t even know where to start! We both have The Book Spy on our list, but several of your others I would love to read as well. I have The Priory of The Orange Tree on my TBR, but I haven’t read it yet. I really should. I should read all of the books on my TBR. Haha These lists only make that TBR pile grow.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:54 am

      Ha ha you’re telling me, I added I think like 13 new books to my TBR last week as a result of everyone else’s lists. Priory is great, very enjoyable read.

  23. Dedra @ A Book Wanderer 12/01/2023 / 11:55 pm

    So many fascinating books coming soon! I still need to read Ninth House, but hopefully someday. Happy reading!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:53 am

      It does seem to be shaping up to be a great year for new releases. Thank you, you too 🙂

  24. Sammie @ The Bookwyrm's Den 13/01/2023 / 2:03 am

    So many good books on this list! I finished City of Nightmares, and it’s absolutely fantastic! Hope you enjoy all of these when you get a chance to read them. 😀

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:52 am

      Thank you! So glad to hear you loved it, I just checked and the audio is narrated by my favourite narrator so I’m even more excited now.

  25. Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies 13/01/2023 / 2:39 am

    Interesting list! I think I want to read Hell Bent, but I don’t think I remember much of the detail from the first book, so I’m a little hesitant. Will look forward to hearing what you think of it!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:51 am

      Thank you! I mean honestly I don’t remember a huge amount from Ninth House either, I think I’m going to have to read a recap before I start 🙂

  26. T.K. {Genie in a Novel} 13/01/2023 / 4:33 pm

    Those WWII books look interesting! I’m not big on historical fiction, but once in a while I’ll read one. My best friend loves them though and these might be great gifts for her birthday!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:49 am

      Ah so glad to have helped with some suggestions for your friend’s birthday! I love WWII books, just when I think there can’t possibly be any other angle to look at WWII from, authors seem to find one!

  27. notinjersey 13/01/2023 / 5:29 pm

    These all have great covers. I am interested in The Librarian of Burned Books!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:48 am

      They do, cover artists have really been hitting it out of the park this year! Yes, The Librarian of Burned Books sounds so interesting.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:47 am

      I mean at least if you do now, then you don’t have to wait four years for the next book!

  28. themoonphoenix 14/01/2023 / 2:29 am

    The cover of The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi is just wow, and the story sounds wonderful too, pirates stories are always fun

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:47 am

      It is so beautiful no? I’ll probably listen to the audio but I can definitely admire that incredible cover. Yes, I love a pirate story!

  29. Vidya Tiru 14/01/2023 / 3:39 am

    Oh my! So many books that are now on my TBR, Jo!!! WWII/libraries/and more… who can resist? They are all my catnip too…:)

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:46 am

      Ah so glad to have helped you find more books for your TBR…..always my favourite thing to help other people’s TBR grow!

  30. maureensbooks1989 14/01/2023 / 1:06 pm

    Looks like you have some great books to look forward too. 😉 I’ve seen Hell Bent on more lists this week. Enjoy.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:45 am

      I hope so! Yeah it did seem to be one of the most popular choices for last week’s list 🙂

  31. Kelly | Kelly's Rambles 14/01/2023 / 9:04 pm

    Ooh I totally forgot Hell Bent when I wrote my list – no idea how!

    I’ve already read Death of a Bookseller and it is so good – definitely recommend!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:45 am

      There are so many books coming out in the next six months, it’s easy to miss a few. Ooh so glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:40 am

      Sadly, the physical release has been pushed back to March due to printing delays, but the audiobook still says 26th January so I’m hoping it will still be out then!

  32. Jenna @ Falling Letters 15/01/2023 / 4:42 am

    The Last Tale of The Flower Bride sounds intriguing! I haven’t read anything by Chokshi before but might have t ocheck that out.

  33. Svetlana Lib 15/01/2023 / 7:54 am

    Really intriguing reads! I hope you will enjoy them and get a chance to read them.

  34. Dini @ dinipandareads 15/01/2023 / 11:58 am

    This is such a great list. There are quite a few titles that I’m pretty keen to read as well 😍 I’m especially excited for Last Tale of the Flower Bride and Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi. I’ve also still got The Luminaries on my TBR and need to read it asap, lol. I hope you enjoy all these books, Jo!

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:34 am

      Thank you! I hope you enjoy all the ones you want to read too 🙂

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:33 am

      Thanks! Well at least you don’t have to wait four years for the sequel now 🙂

  35. Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard 16/01/2023 / 4:09 am

    Most of these sound really amazing! I haven’t been reading much WWII fiction recently, but I admit, I’m intrigued by The Librarian of Burned Books, The Book Spy, and The War Pianist. The new Lefthanded Booksellers sequel made my TTT list (I can’t wait)! And I need to read The Priory of the Orange Tree and the Daevabad trilogy, if I can just get over being intimidated by the length of each of them.

    I hope you get to read all of these, and that they surpass or at least live up to your hopes and expectations.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:32 am

      I’ve been very into WWII fiction over the past couple of years, as is probably very evident but the number on this list! I keep thinking that I can’t possibly read anymore that have any kind of different take on the war and then another new and really interesting one pops up about something I’ve never heard of before-this is the problem with all my school WWII learning being focused on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust-both very important things to learn about but you do miss out on what was happening in other countries at the same time. Yes, Lefhanded Booksellers was a fun read and I’m looking forward to the sequel.
      I don’t know if you’re an audiobook reader, but that really helped me with both Priory and Daevabad, I found listening to them felt a lot less intimidating than opening a huge book.
      Thank you!

      • Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard 18/01/2023 / 1:14 pm

        I do enjoy audiobooks, and that’s certainly something to consider in both those cases. But sometimes the length is more intimidating when I’m looking at hours instead of pages, rather than less! But I’ll think about it, and see if my library has the audiobooks.

      • iloveheartlandx 24/01/2023 / 10:04 am

        Ah interesting, I definitely find it the other way around! I really liked both the narrators for Priory and the Daevabad trilogy if that helps any 🙂

  36. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 16/01/2023 / 11:26 am

    I’ve never heard of the Library of Burned Books either, so I think I need to remember that book for Paris in July.

  37. RS 16/01/2023 / 11:22 pm

    Absolutely love the covers on The Book Spy and The Last Tale of the Flower Bride — one breathtaking, one dark and full of intrigue. I didn’t even see the women hidden in the flowery imagery until my third look!

    Always exciting to hear about new Kate Morton books too; this one sounds pretty good.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/01/2023 / 11:24 am

      They’re great aren’t they? Ha ha funny you mention that because I didn’t notice the women in the cover until you mentioned it, that is clever! I’ve never read anything by her before but the level of excitement from other people about her new book suggests it could be something good!

    • iloveheartlandx 24/01/2023 / 10:06 am

      It sounds so fun right? Rebecca Schaeffer definitely seems to have a knack for these very unique stories-Not Even Bones, the first book of her first trilogy was definitely unlike anything I’ve ever read before.

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