Top Ten Tuesday #267


Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good week since my last TTT, I finally got to see one of my friends, Hannah for the first time since January and it was so lovely to see her in person finally, even if social distancing with your friends feels very odd!

Anyway, it’s Tuesday, which means another Top Ten Tuesday, courtesy of Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week we’re talking Books I Added To My TBR and Forgot Why and ooh boy…..I had like 60 of these to start off with. I managed to narrow down to ten, but it was tough! On the up side, doing this topic made me go through my TBR and delete a lot of the books that I’d completely lost interest in, so that’s something. Here we go, Top Ten Books I Added To My TBR and Forgot Why:

  1. The Hidden Memory of Objects-Danielle Mages Amato

I added this along with a load of upcoming 2017 releases at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017 and completely forgot about it. I mean it sounds quite cool, sister tries to solve her brother’s murder, but there are so many more recent releases that I’m more excited for that this one has kind of fallen by the wayside.

2. Winter Queen-Amber Argyle

I don’t even remember adding this one, and I’m definitely not sure why. I reckon it was back in 2015 when Sarah J Maas had made more interested in Faerie stories, but I can’t say I feel all that excited about Fae right now, so I doubt I will be reading this anytime soon.

3. Those Who Save Us-Jenna Blum

Again, I don’t even remember when I added this one to my TBR, it’s been there that long! I do like WWII stories, so it is possible that I will come back to this one at some point, but then again, I feel like if I was really interested in reading it, I wouldn’t have forgotten about it for so long!

4. The Boy Who Dared-Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Another WWII book that I added to my TBR and forgot about. This is much the same as the one above, I like WWII stories but I’ve forgotten about this one for so long that I kind of doubt my interest in it was that high in the first place.

5. Holding Smoke-Elle Cosimano

This sounds cool, a guy in prison for murder who is able to escape prison by leaving his physical body. Also though it’s been on my TBR forever and I’ve never actually felt “I really need to finally get to this” so again, I’m just not sure if my interest in it has waned from that initial excitement.

6. The Girl I Used To Be-April Henry

I had no idea this was even on my TBR until I scrolled through it looking at my books! I do like murder mystery thrillers, but I can’t say it’s a genre I’ve felt pulled to recently and they nearly always seem to disappoint me, so I don’t know if I’ll be picking this one up in the future.

7. The Next Together-Lauren James

Again, I don’t really remember why I added this one, I think everyone on Twitter was talking about the author and I was just intrigued. It sounds very similar to Outlander, which I do love, but in much the same vein as I will never read the Outlander book series, The Next Together sounds way too romance focused for me to fully enjoy it, so I’m not sure why I added it in the first place.

8. Burning Midnight-Will McIntosh

The concept for this one does sound very unique, which I think is why I added it in the first place, but I have come across it a few times in bookshops and never really felt the urge to buy it so I feel like I may have lost interest?

9. These Rebel Waves-Sara Raasch

I barely even remember adding this one, I reckon it was probably before I read Snow Like Ashes and realised I wasn’t a massive fan! I do love pirates, so I feel like I should be more keen on trying this one, but I just haven’t felt the need to pick it up since I added it.

10. The Assignment-Liza M Weimer

I added this one last year when I was looking up 2020 releases, and it does sound interesting, but I added so many 2020 releases that I probably forgot like half of them! I think I will still get to this one at some point in the future, but it’s not top of my TBR.

So there we go, those are the books I added to my TBR and completely forgot why. Have you read any of these? Are they worth it? Are there any I should remove from my TBR? Let me know in the comments!

I’ll be back next week with my annual Summer TBR, funnily my second summer TBR for this year since I was in South Africa during the Northern Hemisphere’s winter!

34 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #267

  1. Jess @ Jessticulates 09/06/2020 / 11:58 am

    Great list! The only one of these I’ve heard of is These Rebel Waves, and even that’s only because I happened to receive it in a subscription box.

    • iloveheartlandx 11/06/2020 / 2:14 pm

      Thank you! Yeah subscription boxes can be kind of hit and miss in terms of the books you get.

  2. lydiaschoch 09/06/2020 / 3:13 pm

    I’ve never heard about any of these books. It’s always neat to be introduced to new authors and titles on TTT posts. 🙂

    My TTT .

    • iloveheartlandx 11/06/2020 / 2:12 pm

      Yeah I always look forward to finding new books on other people’s lists 🙂

  3. Tanya Atkinson 09/06/2020 / 3:19 pm

    I’ve had The Next Together on my bookshelf for several years now… still unread. I’m still intrigued by the premise so hopefully I’ll get to it eventually.

  4. Poinsettia 09/06/2020 / 3:46 pm

    I’ve not heard of any of these! I hope you enjoy the ones you decide to keep on your list. Thank you for visiting Long and Short Reviews!

  5. Jocelyn 09/06/2020 / 6:05 pm

    You get two summers meanwhile I’m stuck in the UK during lockdown where they don’t even get one haha 😛

    I haven’t heard of these books, but several sound interesting. And much like you I binge added 2020 releases and pretty much immediately forgot about most of them.

    • iloveheartlandx 11/06/2020 / 2:09 pm

      I’m also in the UK, so summer might have been a bit of a stretch! Ha ha yeah, I do that every year, I add every single upcoming book that looks even the slightest bit interesting and then forget 90% of them.

  6. I think a great thing about the prompt this week is how it made a lot of us go back and clean up our lists a little bit. Lots of, ‘What in the world is this doing in here?’ situations … On the other hand, y’all have been posting about such great books that my TBR is going to grow a little. I haven’t read any of these, but The Assignment sounds interesting.

    • iloveheartlandx 11/06/2020 / 2:06 pm

      Yes, my TBR shrank by like 50 books! Isn’t that always the way, you get rid of a load of books and then a load more come along.

  7. lifewithallthebooks 09/06/2020 / 7:45 pm

    There’s some really interesting sounding books on here! Great list 💛

  8. anovelglimpse 09/06/2020 / 8:13 pm

    I can’t tell you if any of these are worth it, but I hope that you get someone to tell you whether you can dump them or push them up your TBR.

  9. Leslie 09/06/2020 / 9:37 pm

    I hope the ones you decide to keep turn out great. I haven’t heard of a lot of these. It’s so awesome to see all these books blog hopping today!

    My TTT!

  10. Katie G ~ in between spines. 09/06/2020 / 10:16 pm

    I also ended up deleting some off my TBR when looking for ones for this prompt. So I decided to use books I had forgotten about adding but I do really want to read!

    Here’s my TTT

  11. 1girl2manybooks 09/06/2020 / 11:25 pm

    I’m just entering winter here, 2 summers seems infinitely unfair! Lol!

    • iloveheartlandx 11/06/2020 / 2:00 pm

      Ha ha it’s only this year, next year I’ll be back to one summer and one winter like everyone else!

  12. Greg 09/06/2020 / 11:34 pm

    Some of these sound really good- I’m kind of interested in These Rebel Waves maybe just based on the pirate mention haha!

    • iloveheartlandx 11/06/2020 / 1:58 pm

      Ha ha yeah, same, I would probably find it easier to get rid of if there wasn’t pirates!

  13. MrsDMVH 10/06/2020 / 4:06 am

    That’s funny, you’re living a year of summer!! Good list!

    • iloveheartlandx 11/06/2020 / 1:57 pm

      Thanks! Ha ha yeah, I feel like by the time winter rolls around I’ll have forgotten what it’s like to be cold!

  14. pagesandtea 10/06/2020 / 7:41 am

    Don’t think I’ve heard of any of these before but hope you enjoy them if you do get around to reading them 🙂

  15. Rhosymedre (@Rhosymedre) 12/06/2020 / 1:54 am

    This has been such a fun week of topics to read through. I love that everybody is bringing up books from years back, and it’s (almost) always titles I’ve never heard of. I’ve read a couple from April Henry, I might check that one out if the library has it.

    It’s kind of a fun, freeing feeling to remove books from your TBR when you realize you’ve genuinely lost interest, isn’t it? Just think of all the reading time you saved for better books by procrastinating on those titles.

    • iloveheartlandx 17/06/2020 / 3:05 pm

      Yeah it was definitely nice to see a few different titles on people’s lists! It was definitely nice to see my shrunk TBR list with books that I’m genuinely interested in reading rather than loads that I added for the sake of it!

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