Top Ten Tuesday #196


Hi everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good week since I last did one of these, once again, it’s been a rather quiet week for me, I’m still plugging away on my Journalism project, but I finished the project proposal yesterday and I’ve sent my ethics forms off to my supervisor for checking, so that’s two massive weights off my shoulders.

Anyway, as it’s Tuesday, that means another Top Ten Tuesday, courtesy of Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week we’re talking Ten Most Recent Additions To My TBR, but I have a small caveat before I start. Obviously being a book blogger, I am adding unreleased books with no given release date or title all the time, so I won’t just be picking the first ten books of my Goodreads TBR, every books I include on here will have both a title and a release date, just so you aren’t reading a whole list full of untitled books hat I don’t have information for yet! So here we go, ten books I recently added to my TBR:

  1. Bedlam (Skulduggery Pleasant #12)-Derek Landy

There’s no real info available for this one, but it comes out in May and given that awesome title and the fact that it’s another book in the Skulduggery Pleasant series, makes me pretty sure that it’s going to be amazing.

2. Dry-Neal and Jarrod Shusterman

I wasn’t actually intending on reading this book at first, but after seeing so many bloggers rave about it after it’s release date and the fact that I do love Neal Shusterman’s writing, I’ve decided to give this collab with his son a chance, I haven’t read a good dystopia in a while, and Neal Shusterman has yet to disappoint, so hopefully I will enjoy it.

3. A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder-Holly Jackson

I mean I don’t know much about this book, other than the fact that it’s about murder and it’s out in May but that’s enough for me to want to read it. I love murder mysteries, so I’m excited to see how things in this one turn out.

4. You Owe Me a Murder-Eileen Cook

I keep meaning to read one of Eileen Cook’s books and I never get around to it. Maybe her newest release, coming out in March will finally be the one (though I did get denied for it on Netgalley). The idea of being blackmailed into murder is really cool, so I’m interested to see how things unfold in this one.

5. Only Ashes Remain-Rebecca Schaeffer

Okay, so technically, I haven’t read the first book in this series yet, but I’m pretty certain I’m going to love it, everything I’ve heard about it screams that I’m going to love it, so I preemptively added the sequel to my TBR. Sue me.

6. How I Became A Spy: A Mystery of WWII London-Deborah Hopkinson

I don’t read middle grade all that often anymore (Rick Riordan not withstanding) but this middle grade book just sounded so great and I do love a good spy story, so if I can find this one in the UK, I’ll definitely be picking it up.

7. Into The Crooked Place-Alexandra Christo

Alexandra Christo’s new book is all about criminals destroying their boss after they discover that he’s up to something shady and that book sounds so totally me that I cannot wait till October to get my hands on it!

8. Sorcery of Thorns-Margaret Rogerson

Everything about this book screams that I need it, it has sorcerors, and libraries and honestly, I really need nothing else from my books. In all seriousness though, the blurb for this book sounds great and I will definitely be trying to get my hands on it when it comes out in the UK.

9. A Kingdom For A Stage-Heidi Heilig

There’s not much information for this one yet, but I know it’s released in October and it’s the sequel to For A Muse of Fire, which I really enjoyed last year, so I will definitely be getting my hands on this one when it comes out!

10. The Dead Queen’s Club-Hannah Capin

This one is out today! Annoyingly, my preorder for some reason won’t be arriving until next month, but I digress. Anyway, it’s a contemporary retelling of Henry VIII and his six wives (girlfriends) and I cannot wait to see how Hannah Capin tackles that story and makes it her own.

So there you go, those are ten releases that I have somewhat recently added to my TBR (all the most recent additions were untitled and/or without release dates!). Were any of these on your lists? What were the most recent books you added to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

I will be back next week with a new TTT, this time we’re talking Upcoming Releases That We’re On The Fence About, now I’m not really sure if I have any of these, but I’ll have a think and if I don’t, I’ll still be back next week, just with a different topic. In the meantime, I should have a Jo Talks post, a review of Ruin and Rising and my first #RockMyTBR update of the year coming soon, so plenty to keep you guys occupied!

44 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday #196

  1. Jess @ Jessticulates 29/01/2019 / 1:15 pm

    Great list! I’m looking forward to Sorcery of Thorns, too. Happy reading!

    • iloveheartlandx 29/01/2019 / 3:27 pm

      I haven’t actually read any Eileen Cook, I’m hoping this will be the first!

  2. J R Lynn 29/01/2019 / 3:26 pm

    Awesome list! A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder sounds like something I might read! Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  3. Melanie (TBR and Beyond) 29/01/2019 / 3:54 pm

    Dry is on my tbr as well. I just recently got it for my birthday! I am dying to read Sorcery of Thorns as well.

    • iloveheartlandx 30/01/2019 / 10:58 am

      I hope we both enjoy it! Yes, Sorcery of Thorns sounds so good.

  4. Marti (Bookish Treats) 29/01/2019 / 3:58 pm

    Great list! I’ve seen Sorcery of Thorns a couple of times today, I think I’ll add it to my TBR as well 😀 Have fun reading all of these!

  5. ChrissiReads 29/01/2019 / 4:47 pm

    I hope you get to read these books soon! 🙂 They do sound great!

  6. Rissi 29/01/2019 / 5:54 pm

    I don’t really know anything about Sorcery of Thorns but I’ve seen it on Goodreads and on some lists. It sure looks interesting, and your description of it makes me curious. Hope you enjoy all of these recent TBR additions. 🙂

  7. Veronika Éles 29/01/2019 / 6:00 pm

    Ooh, so many here that I’m also excited about – A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder, You Owe Me a Murder, Sorcery of Thorns, The Dead Queens Club are just some from your list I’m very much looking forward to. Not Even Bones is EXCELLENT, so I hope you’ll enjoy that one – I can hardly wait for Only Ashes Remain.

    Veronika @ The Regal Critiques

    • iloveheartlandx 30/01/2019 / 10:56 am

      Yay, that’s great to hear! I’ve heard such good things about Not Even Bones, I’m so excited to read it!

  8. Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense 29/01/2019 / 9:40 pm

    I am so stoked about Sorcery of Thorns. Every time I see an ARC, I get a little sad I don’t have one. Hope you enjoy all of these!

  9. thebookishlibra 30/01/2019 / 12:51 am

    All of these are actually new to me but they sound great. I hope you enjoy them. 🙂

  10. kozbisa 30/01/2019 / 12:57 am

    I have Dead Queens, but am nervous about it. It sounds really good, but reviews are all over the place. Still trying to decide what to do with that one.

    • iloveheartlandx 30/01/2019 / 10:53 am

      I’ve mostly seen the good reviews, but that’s probably just pre-release hype. Maybe wait till it’s been out a little longer and you might get a better picture of how it’s been received?

  11. Aj @ Read All The Things! 30/01/2019 / 1:20 am

    Good luck with your project! I need to read Dry, too. Neal Shusterman is one of my favorite authors. I hope you love these books!

  12. Niamh (@niamhkate) 30/01/2019 / 2:02 am

    Ooh, I didn’t realise there was a new Skulduggery Pleasant book due for release so soon! On to the TBR it goes!

  13. pagesandtea 30/01/2019 / 8:17 am

    Hope you enjoy all these 🙂 I must find out more about A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, I love a good murder mystery too.

    • iloveheartlandx 30/01/2019 / 10:49 am

      I hope so too! Nothing like a good murder mystery 🙂

  14. Carol Evans 30/01/2019 / 8:32 pm

    What a great list. I’ll have to look in to A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and Into The Crooked Place.

  15. Heather Cilley 30/01/2019 / 9:53 pm

    Oh wow I haven’t heard of most of these!! I hope once you read them you love them all! 🙂

  16. 1girl2manybooks 30/01/2019 / 11:24 pm

    The Dead Queen’s Club sounds really interesting! Going to have to keep a look out for that one.

  17. KliScruggs 31/01/2019 / 4:02 am

    I cannot wait to read Dead Queen’s Club! I love the idea of a modern Tudor retelling and can’t wait to get to it this year!

  18. Oh that Skulduggery title is just 😍 I am so behind, I haven’t read any of his continuation books though 😝
    I’ve heard of The Dead Queens Club and am a bit on the fence about it: I like the concept but it sounds a bit like a chic flick in book form, which isn’t exactly my sort of thing 🤔 you’ll have to tell me what you think! Although I know you’ll be biased because Tudors 😂 Alexandra Christo is releasing another book 😮 😍

    • iloveheartlandx 31/01/2019 / 12:53 pm

      I know right! I can lend you them if you want 🙂 I know what you mean, but the history aspect of it is enough to get me over the chic flick aspect, besides, I’ve heard it’s more like a murder mystery than a chick flick. Ha ha yes, you can’t really trust me to be completely unbiased when it comes to the Tudors. Yes she is!

  19. Kati 👩🏻 (@KatisBRR15) 02/02/2019 / 11:23 pm

    Ohh great post and a great list of books, all these books looks and sounds really amazingly fantastic. I hope you can get too all these books. Thank you so much for stopping by my TTT Post.

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